Corvus the Crow
This Blog is an Open Resource Containing Links, Commentary, Back Ups, and Research Into a Wide Variety of Topics and How They Can Connect to the Modern World: Alchemy, Astronomy, Astrology, Archeoastrology, Egyptology, Etymology, Gematria, History, Isopsephy, Numerology, Esoteric Knowledge, Occult, Magic, Gnosticism, and Many More. This blog features materials protected by the Fair Use guidelines of Section 107 of the Copyright Act. All rights reserved to copyright owners.
Q the Devises Heroiques by Claude Paradint, the Decorator's Assistant and the Mysterious Origin of Halloween
French Emblems at Glasgow, Transcribed Emblems
This is some interesting information on the Taurid meteor shower and it's Mithraic connection and symbolism to the stabbing of the shoulder of the bull.
(mentioned at about 1 hr into the video)
Appearance of comet represented as a dagger by ancient authors.
Q the Brunes Star, Bases of Design by Walter Crane, Dynamic Symmetry, the Greek Vase by Jay Hambridge, and the Art of Composition: a Simple Application of Dynamic Symmetry by Michel Jacobs
This is a collection of archived research that has captured my interest into the Brunes Star, Bases of Design, Dynamic Symmetry in the Greek Vase, and the Art of Composition. Enjoy.
Dynamic Symmetry, the Greek Vase, Jay Hambridge
The Art of Composition: A Simple of Application of Dynamic Symmetry
Q Some Astronomical and Sacred Messages Found in Historical Artwork
There appears to be quite a bit of intricate hidden knowledge in ancient artwork if you look closely. Here is an interesing collection of comparison images I found on this thread.
It looks as if the all-seeing Eye of Providence represents the BenBen stone on top of the Great Pyramid. This is an exis...
SAQ in Hebrew QARA in Hebrew Hallelujah = to cry out to God (the sun) Acts 2:20 The sun shall be turned to dar...