Q the Golden Angle, the Wings of Angels and the Divine

The angles of the wings between Isis and Nephthys are about 137.5 degrees and 222.5 degrees. The first angle is the Golden Angle and the second is also important to Phyllotaxis. They are important to the Fibonacci sequence in nature including plant growth, pine cones, construction of spiderwebs, beehives, found in the design of dragonfly wings, and is even found the shape of DNA and molecules.

This is a measure of the angle between the bottom two wings where they cross.

The angle at the top is the same, but the outside angle (reflex angle) would be 222.5 degrees.

The crossing of the wings is offset by about 6.5 degrees. If you add the Golden Angle, 137.5 and 6.5 you get 144 (or 72 x 2). This is known as the Elect.

If you subtract 222.5 - 6.5, you get 216. This is known as "The Holiest of Holies", or "The Oracle".

These angles are also found on the engraving on the sarcophagus in the Great Pyramid in the serifs of the Alpha and Omega. This can be seen at about four minutes into this video.

The Dowsing (or Divining) Rod

The dowsing (or divining) rod is in the shape of the letter Y, relating to Pythagoras' moral choice, represented by the mystical letter Y. It is still sometimes used today to locate sources of underground water. The "Divine" is literally formed from the Greek prefix di- (meaning two) vines (or branches). "Water" and "earth" are both represented by the upside down triangle in their elemental form in alchemy.

The Golden Ratio in the 153 Fish and the Vesica Pisces

Matthew 6:26

6x26 = 156

The word ציון ("Zion") has a gematria value of 156.

Luke 12:24

12x24 = 288

Matthew 24:42

24x42 = 1008

1008 Gematria = G0717 Armageddon. Relates to G602 - ἀποκάλυψις apokálypsis, ap-ok-al'-oop-sis; from ; disclosure:—appearing, coming, lighten, manifestation, be revealed, revelation.

Luke 21:36

21x36 = 756

Sifirot = ספירות = 756. Plural of Sifirah. Other words for 756:

שנות = years; transmutation

עולמים = Worlds and Ages; Gematria includes Final Mem value.

נון = Letter Nun (Hebrew Soffits); fish; Gematria includes Final Nun Value.

Source - Bible Gematria - 288 Holy Sparks

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