Q the Number 17 - Goodness and Sacrifice

The Number 17 - Goodness and Sacrifice

The Number 1717 - the Will of God

The Number 153 - the Number of Great Fishes

The Number 1224 - the Covenant Net

The Number 612 (153 x 4) - Scripture and Covenant

The Number 143 - The Glory (The "Mighty One")

The Number 1008 - (24x42)

1008 Gematria = G0717 Armageddon. Relates to G602 - ἀποκάλυψις apokálypsis, ap-ok-al'-oop-sis; from ; disclosure:—appearing, coming, lighten, manifestation, be revealed, revelation.

The Number 146 - Eternity, World

The Number 50 - Everything

The Number 61 - Nothing

The Number 111 -Aleph

The Number 222 - God's Word, the Hidden Jewel, and the Firstborn Blessing

The Number 532 - the Alpha

The Number 800 -Omega

The Number 801 - the Alpha and Omega

The Number 911 - The Beginning

AlephTav- First and Last

The Number 400 - Tav/Cross/Vinegar/Christ Poured Out

The Number 58 - Grace

The Number 441 - Truth

The Number 63 - The Prophet Leads

The Number 171 - The Face of God

The Number 36 - God's Work, the Creation and the Tabernacle

The Number 44 - Birth and Blood - The Longest Day

The Number 30 - Judas - The Shortest Day

The Number 1000 - He Who Overcomes

The Number 600

The Number 99 - Amen

The Number 146 - Eternity, World (Treasures of the Snow)

Hebrew for "Bigger than you can imagine"

The Number 74 - Lamed, to Learn

The Number 233 - The Tree of Life

The Number 73 - Wisdom

The Number 730 - Eyes, Discerner

The Number 26 - The Tetragrammaton YHVH

The Number 18 - Life and Sin

The Number 207 - Light

The Number 414 - Fountain of Life

The Number 346 - Fountain

The Number 216 - The Holy of Holies (Oracle)

The Number 144 - The Elect

The Number 612 - Scripture and Covenant

The Number 222 - God's Word and the Firstborn Blessing

The Number 444 - Perfect Love

The Number 13 - One, Unity

The Number 272 - Foursquare, Chariot

The Number 541- Israel and the Commandments

Revelation 5:6

The Number 777 - In the Firmament of Heaven

The Number 70 - Ayin, Wine, and Secrets


The Number 343 - The Ark of God

Hex Projections

The Number 18 - Life and Sin

Found with 343 (7x7x7) /420 ((Naturally, the Hebrew word for “smoke” — AShaN (עשן) — equals 420 in the Gematria system: ע=70, ש= 300, נ=50. This goes back to the earliest Canaanite uses of the word, at least 5,000 years. ) 343/420 produces the golden ratio inverse (about 0.816). Apply this to 216. Solve for x/ 216 (6x6x6) = 0.816. x = around 176. This number leads you to Psalm 119.

The Number 119 - The Perfect Sacrifice

The Number 2020 - After the order of Melchizadek

Mona Lisa - Number 72 and 4 Circles

The Capstone Signature of God's word

List of all Gematria Reference Identities

Wheel Spokes

The number 240 associated with Horus comes from the number of degrees in the horizon.

The sundial would have appeared as a bird flapping it's wings over the course from winter to summer, or the equinox to the solstice. If you complete this circle, you would have a circle divided in to 24 parts. representing hours. If you divide each hour into 3 parts (20 mins), you get a circle with 72 parts.

The Longest Day

The Shortest Day

The "wings" would be flapping over a span of roughly 8 of those parts throughout each season (8 of the 20 min periods = 2 hrs 40 mins). Naturally, the winged sun and the association of sun, God and birds and Horus makes sense.

The Mount Vernon sundial.

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