Q the Great Architect

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The 19 rays


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Charles Muses, in 1955, saw on the Edfu temple walls some Egyptian numerical symbols for the number 240 mentioned together with Thoth(who was associated with learning and the ogdoad number 8). Muses says the 5-pointed star was an Egyptian numerical notation for 5, anda spiral for 100, and there were 2 spirals and 8 stars.

(the Divine Spark number 288) and the DRESDEN CODEX - MAYAN SUPER NUMBER 1366560

Muses also noted that the number 240 can be represented in a 3x3 square with a double spiral in the center and 8 stars (5-pointed) around it, similar to a 3x3 Magic Square,and that similar symbols are found in a Central American codex, called Codex Fejevary-Mayer.

Thirteen colonies, thirteen stripes on the flag, thirteen arrows in the arrow's claw, thirteen olive leaves in the eagle's claw, thirteen stars above the eagle's head...etc.

13 X 3 =39. 39 stars in the treasury seal (39 rivets in the Nero treasury seal, 39 letters in the latin phrase in the previous seal, 39 letters in "The United States of America In God We Trust One" on the back of the one dollar bill, etc...

The Meaning of Numbers: The Number 42

The meaning of the number 42 is derived from its direct connection to the coming Antichrist. His evil efforts will last forty-two months in the end time, and thus it is firmly associated with him.

Then the angel gave me a measuring rod like a staff, saying, "Arise and measure the temple of God, and the altar . . . and they shall trample upon the holy city for forty-two months" (Revelation 11:1 - 2)

Revelation 13 states that the end time Beast power will be so powerful that no one will be able to make war with him. He will speak boastful things and receive authority to do almost anything he wants for 42 months (Revelation 13:4 - 5). Forty-two is made up of 6 and 7, showing a link between mankind and God's spirit and a link between the Antichrist and Jesus Christ.

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