Q the Origin of the Word 'Hallelujah' and the Sun God

I mirrored the above image because I believe the video has it flipped around. The sun should be on the left and the moon should be on the right - it is as if you are looking into a mirror. When you look into a mirror, your right eye appears to be on the right side. This puts the Eye of Horus seated at the right of the father (Osiris, the Mighty One).

Full video:

I cannot overstate the importance of the information in this video. It is profound. It suggests to me that the whole story of the devil is basically just made up. Maybe a better way to put it would be that the story of the fallen angel came from an artistic era that was more metaphorical.

Jupiter and Zeus are often cross-referenced with Ammon (or Amen or Amun). Amen-Ra literally references the moon (Amun) and the Sun (Ra).

You can see the rams (sheep) horns or bull horns symbolism and it comes from Aries (a sheep or ram) and Taurus (a bull) and the sun symbolism in Amen-Ra's symbolism.

Over time, the Gods of Egypt changed over the different kingdoms. Ptah (peacemaker), Seker, Osiris and Amen-Ra are all the same concept of a "god" evolving over time. It's all referencing astronomy, and specifically the constellation Orion (associated with Osiris) and his death (descent in the sky) to rising again (resurrection).


Almost all of the world religions seem to derive from a single source.

More info on Cyrus the Great

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