Q the Divine Wisdom and Ezekiel's Wheel

Hieroglyph of Venus:

Revelation 13:18

Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is six hundred and sixty-six."

The Tree of Life - ten Sephiroth and the twenty-two letters, constitutes the framework of Adam Qadmon, the Heavenly Adam

"It is the Number of a Man" can actually refer to the two-fold nature of man, the divine nature (di- literally meaning double, twice).

666 could be written as 6x6x6 or 6³ = 216. If it is twofold, then half of 216 would be 108, which is a number found all over the place in various religions. Looking back at the morning and evening star Venus, you have the angle 72 and twice the angle of 72, 144. Adding both 72 (Truth) and 144 (the Elect) also produces 216.

The Significance of the Number 108.

This raises the question, how did this number end up appearing in the ancient world? Did they know that there were approximately 108 suns and 108 moons between each one and the earth?

216 is also a number that appears in the angles of a pentagon, the side of a pythagorean triangle and the totient function.

Ezekiel's Wheel

Ezekiel's wheel also could be related to mathematics.


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