Q Heh, the God of Millions of Years and the Nubian Pyramids

Horus Eye Fractions

Creation by Numerals

Shen Ring Universe

Heh, God of Millions of Years

Tadpole Proliferation

Source - Recovered Science Webpage

Hieroglyphics: Egyptian, Mayan, and ChineseCharacters

Ancient Egyptian Roots of the Principia Hermetica

- Aegyptus imago sit caeli - Latin for "Egypt is an image of heaven"

A pent pyramid fits over the faces of a dodecahedron (pictured with a Scorpion in Jofra Bosschart's painting). If you take out one of the sides of the pent pyramid, you get a nubian pyramid.

Osiris is known today as "King of the Underworld". But a better translation was given as "King of the Other World".

The Other World is the Nether World. Or Ethereal Realm. The spiritual world. Why is Osiris apparently misrepresented in this way when Egyptians sang Osiris hymns of praise?

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