Q the Bagua, the Eight Fundamental Principles of Reality, the Mystic Tablet, and Yu the Great


The Way, the Path


Bagua - a Chinese religious motif incorporating the eight trigrams of the I Ching, arranged octagonally around a symbol denoting the balance of yin and yang, or around a mirror.

Bagua is regarded in feng shui as a pattern determining the significance and auspicious qualities of spatial relationships.

It is a Chinese martial art in which movements are focused on a circle and the defense of eight points around it.

This seems to relate to the inscription found at Edfu.

Yatagarasu - literally, the eight-span crow

The Yellow River Map

A Tibetan "Mystic Tablet" containing the Eight Trigrams on top of a large tortoise (presumably, alluding to the animal that presented them to Fu Xi), along with the 12 signs of Chinese zodiac, and a smaller tortoise carrying the Lo Shu Square on its shell.

Bagua Wikipedia

Birds in Chinese symbolism

The Number 910 - the Order of Melkisedek


Zedek was the name of Jupiter - so is this another reference to Ammon and Jupiter-Ammon?

The Number 294 - Christ and The Church

294 was reached from The Number 40

In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened. And the rain was upon the earth forty days and forty nights.

Genesis 7.11

(A reference to The Number 80 - Yesod / Foundation)

600 = Mem (hieroglyph of water).

Two months = 60 days. (Samech gematria value 60).

17 days = 17th letter (Pey).

600+60+17 = 677. 6x7x7 = 42 x 7 = 294

Melchizedek, statue in Santa Maria Maggiore, Rome. Is there some sign language symbolism going on there?

The god Zedek in the ancient near east

Notice how the pyramid is in 8 parts, like an 8 span idea, like the concepts in China and Taoism and the legend of the three-legged crow and the eight fold path.

The first word means four. The middle word means ten. The last word means two.

Thinking in this way, there are four tens to make forty.

Forty in gematria symbolizes mem (the water).

The Chinese split their seasons into an 8 way path, dividing the seasons (also a double meaning). When you divide the year into 8 parts, you get a period of time spanning 6.5 weeks (a period of 7 days).

Laozi or Lao Tze, Lao Tzu.

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