Q Dividing the Waters and the Return

Looking at the Lo Shu square, whose top line resembles the way the Chinese write the number 42, brought my attention to this interesting aspect of the Lo Shu square (also known as Saturn's Magic Square and the Freemason's Magic Square).

All opposing numbers add up to ten. If you take the opposite of 4 and 2, you get 6 and 8. What is special about 68?

The 68th Hebrew word in the Bible is ויבדל ("divided") from Gen 1:7 when God made the firmament and divided the waters.

Genesis is the first book in the Bible. Genesis 1:7 stands for 117.

If you separate the numbers of the Fibonacci sequence, you find a repeating pattern of 24 numbers. The sum of this repeating pattern is 117. Also, it references the Golden ratio (1.618) because you can get to the next number in the Fibonacci sequence by multiplying the entry by 1.6.18.

Notice how the yin and yang also appears to be two drops of water that are separated?

What is special about the number 24? 24 can be multiplied by 37 to get 888, the number of Jesus (the gematric value of Ιησους). Also, Exodus 4 (the second book, chapter four) is about Signs for Moses and Moses returning to Egypt. Moses is well known for dividing the waters.

2 x 888 =1776.

16 (AYIN) x 111 (new beginnings) = 1776.

There are some very fascinating mathematics going on in the Bible.

Dividing the Waters of the Word

Division and the Word

Source - Biblewheel Numerical Geometry

The Number 163 - Living Water

The name P-ANKU (ANKU is simliar to the ANKH) is similar to Ptah (or P-TAW or P-Tao). Are the Panku of China stories and Manu creation stories of India the same as Ptah? Is this where Immanuel (amanu-eli) comes from?

Manu - Manu, in the mythology of India, the first man, and the legendary author of an important Sanskrit law code, the Manu-smriti (Laws of Manu). ... He is also known as the first king, and most rulers of medieval India traced their genealogy back to him, either through his son (the solar line) or his daughter (the lunar line).

Panku - According to a primitive Chinese myth, at the beginning of time, the universe had the shape of an egg. When the egg broke, a giant, Pan-Ku, came out of it along with two basic elements: Yin and Yang. Yang formed the sky and Yin condensed to become the Earth. After 18,000 years Pan-Ku died. From his head were created the Sun and the Moon, from his blood the rivers and seas, from his breath the wind, and from his voice the thunder. Finally, human beings were generated from the fleas which lived on him.

An upside-down ANKH, an Egyptian hieroglyph that symbolizes life and may also represent the cosmic egg for comparison.

Tau, Tav, Taw, Tao, the 22nd letter in ancient Hebrew scripts

Looking back at the tribe of Gad (where the word God is derived), you can see that gamma (3rd letter), alpha (1st letter) and delta (4th letter) not only add to 8, but also represent PI (3.14). The Greek spelling also resembles the English word "Tao".

The area of a circle is Pi times the radius squared.

GAD in reverse is DAG, which means fish in Hebrew.

If you reverse the numbers in Hebrew, you get 413. In Hebrew, ספר החיים ("the Book of Life”) has a gematria value of 413.

Strong's Concordance 1709 shows dag is mentioned 19 times in the Bible, 19 meaning Physical Manifestation.


Number 36

The Number 36 - God's Work, Creation, the Tabernacle

"all of us" is in Hebrew אלה (el-leh) Strongs H428.

If each side represents 120 degrees, then the total would be 240 degrees.

The symbol in the center represents the cosmic egg, or two spirals going in opposite directions, each valued at 100. Instead of cancelling out, the force doubles to 200.

This is the sun setting at 60 degrees and setting at 300 for a total of 240 degrees. The number 240 relates to Horus, who is Ra (the sun) on the horizon.

Adam Kadmon (אָדָם קַדְמוֹן, "Primordial Man"; also called Adam Elyon אָדָם עֶלִיוֹן or Adam Ila'ah אָדָם עִילָּאָה, "Supreme Man"; abbreviated as א"ק, A"K), in Kabbalah, is the first spiritual World that came into being after the contraction of God's infinite light.

Adam Kadmon

"Shin star"

The Number 300 - The Spirit of God

The Number 301 - Fire

e = 2.71

Exodus 7:1


The Number 271

The number 262 is significant to e, Pi and Phi in that the first 262 digits of each add up to 1192. Refer to Q This is My Body.

The Number 380 - Egypt (Firmament)

The Number 100 (Yoke, The Lord Will Judge, Fire and Brimstone, Severity)

The Number 808 - The Faith (Mercy)

The first creation story was that the Ogdoad created an egg from which the world was born. This egg hatched, causing an explosive and brilliant golden light; the sun was born and it was called Ra, and thus the world was born.

The Return

In John's Revelation, we read concerning the return of Christ: "Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him," (Rev 1:7, also see Dan 7:13). The phrase "Behold, he cometh with clouds" (ιδου ερχεται μετα των νεφελων) has a gematria value of 4441.

4441 is the 603rd prime number

The first occurrence of 603 in pi begins from position 263.

The word "return" appears 263 times in the Bible (KJV)

Source - The Stars of Heaven

In Genesis 6:18 (1.618 is the Golden Ratio Phi), this happens. When you add the Hebrew gematria value (original text) for thou 406, and your sons 88, and your wife 727, and feminine 366, your sons 82, you get 1669, the 263rd prime number.

The origin of the word "God" is Gad. In hebrew:

גאד That is the 3rd, 1st and 4th letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Has no one noticed that is Pi?

Can someone tell me how the Golden Ratio, Phi, Pi and the Fibonacci sequence (Genesis 1:7 (or 117) tells of separating the waters) appear to be used in the Bible when the Torah was supposedly written hundreds of years before our modern mathematicians "discovered" these numbers much later than that? How is the Golden Angle displayed on tomb of King Tut?

Am I supposed to believe this is all "just a coincedence"?

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