Q This is My Body, Phi, Pi and e , the Great Pyramid and Egypt's Link to Buddhism, Hinduism, Yoga and Dharma

The Bible was masterfully crafted so that it would contain numbers relevant to Pi.

262 is a fundamental number of reality as the first 262 decimal digits of Pi, Phi, and e all sum to the same number, 1192.

The 262nd prime number is 1667 and the 1667th prime number is 14159, the first 5 decimal digits of Pi.

ζωιων (beast or living creature) has a gematria value in Hebrew of 1667.

It goes on that the number "1667" first occurs in Pi with a 3 immediately following it as 16673.

262 + 1667 = 1929, and the 1929th prime number is 16673.

1192 + 1192 + 1192 = 3576

The sum of all three (a Trinitarian signature) is the same as this theologically important phrase from 1Corinthians 11:24.

This is my body = 3576

τουτο μου εστι το σωμα

Source: The Golden Ratio - This is My Body

Phi, Pi, Great Pyramid Egypt

Sacred Geometry - Phi Great Pyramid

Excerpts of Book 3 - African Origins of Civilization : African Origins of Religion, Yoga Mysticism and Ethics Philosophy - Muata Ashby

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