Q the Chinese Guardian Lions and the Nine Sons of the Dragon

The Sphinx is not the only stone lion guardian statue. Chinese stone guardian lions are all over the country, despite the country not having a natural lion population.

One lion holds a cub, while the other holds a ball covered by a pattern that is the flower of life (also containing the seed and fruit of life).

This is also the Freemason's Magic Square, that gives the symbol for the Sigil of Saturn, represented in the stance of eagle on the back of the one dollar bill.

Notice how the Chinese word for 42 resembles the top 3 squares of the Lo Shu square, except instead of nine, it's ten. Notice that for any position on the Freemason square, if you add the opposite number on the square, it gives you ten. This relates to the Yin Yang symbol. Also, the symbol for ten in Chinese resembles the Tav in Hebrew and the cross, standing for death.

The Nine Sons of the Dragon

Click image above to enlarge.

This mythological Chinese story was featured on a Chinese coin.

Three crosses (10 in Chinese symbolism) in binary (2) is equal to 42.

Four crosses (10) would be 10101010. In binary code, that equals 170 in decimal. This number will lead you to The Mezuzah in Letters and Numbers and the 231 Gates of Initiation, the 32 Paths of Wisdom and the 16 Hidden Paths.

All pyramids have an entrance facing north with the temple on the east. This may be explained by Feng Shui direction, 8 Mansions

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