Q 11:11, the Seed of Life, the Fruit of Life, and the Tree of Life

The first book of the Bible is Genesis. Book 1 Chapter 1 Verse 11 is 11:11.

יהוה is the four letter name (Tetragrammaton)

the first four verses of the Bible consist of 39 Hebrew letters

39 = 26 (JHVH) + 13 (One)

the gematria value of יהוה אחד ("one LORD") is 39. 111 is 13 + 13 + 13 = 39.

The gematria of echad (one in Hebrew) - אחד is thirteen.

The three letter's numerical position in the Hebrew alphabet: 1, 8 and 4, are encoded in the number of letters in "e pluribus unum).

Deuteronomy 6:4 Hear, O Israel: HaShem our God, HaShem is one. The middot of HaShem is 13. Explanation

This verse alludes to seeds, fruits and trees.

The Number 233 refers to the Tree of Life, the FirstFruit and to Remember.

The Egyptian ankh is symbolic of all of these symbols: seed, egg, flower, tree, and fruit.

These are two was scepters, representing herons looking towards an egg (the top of the Ankh symbol). The Chinese word for heron (lu) is spelled the same as "way". The backbone of Osiris is the truth, represented by the bottom line of the Ankh symbol. And the Ankh itself as a whole symbolizes life.

The Number 1118 - the Unity Holograph

I am Trinity

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