Q the Greek Isopsephy, the Camel Through the Eye of a Needle, Wisdom, Good Health, "I Will Watch"

The Number 73- Wisdom, Gimel/Camel

Source - Wikipedia

On February 5th, I posted about the first 22 verses connection having 1100 letters.

Then yesterday, I posted about the first 21 verses Gematria values connected to 1111.

So I started thinking about what Genesis 1:22 could mean and it's gematria value. Tav is the 22nd letter in Hebrew and is shaped like a cross.

Looking at the total, 2889, I remembered that 288 is an angle in the five point star. It can be obtained by adding the right and left arm of God.

I also noticed that this verse (Genesis 1:22) was about fruit and multiplying, which reminded me about the number 9 and it's letter in the Spoke of the Biblewheel.

So, on a whim, I took 2,889 and divided it by nine, not knowing whether it would evenly divide or provide a gematria number. I was kind of surprised when I ended up with the Number 321 - Health and Length of Days.

Greek Fire - An Introduction to Gematria and Isopsephia in the New Testament of the Holy Bible

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue

160 + 16 = 176.

22 x 8 = 176 Gematria in Hebrew אצפה "I will watch" from Micah (33rd book) 7:7

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