Q in the Fraction of an Eye

"My God, It's Full of Stars!" - 2001: A Space Odyssey

This is the top of an ancient Was Scepter, a walking stick. The word "heron" is Chinese sounds the same as the word "path or way". I am convinced that the Chinese and possibly others played an important part in the engineering and development of the Great Pyramid. Ptah, the father, is the pathmaker or pathfinder, that stands for peace.

The eye stands for Ayin, the 16th letter of the Hebrew alphabet.

I found this verse sort of by accident adding the following fractions: 13/16 to 1/32. I accidentally switched 13/16 to 13/61. Adding 13/61 + 1/32 gave me 477/1952. The gematria value of Proverbs 3:14 is 1,952.

1/2 + 1/4 + 1/16 = three parts of the eye = 13/16

1/2 + 1/4 + 1/16 + 1/32 = three parts of the eye, plus hearing = 27/32

I got this verse after realizing this accidental error entering the numbers into a fraction calculator online. 1100 is a significant number that relates to the first 22 verses of the Bible. This, of course, reminded me of the AlephTav and Psalm 119 (22 letters with 8 verses). Simon (or Shimon) was a relative of Jesus (his brother or cousin in some accounts) that helped carry his cross.

The Star of Stars

Simon means in Hebrew "listen" or "hearing".

This is "Sakra". This is "Soker". Any questions? I have a few.

This is the Buddhist god "Sakra". This is apparently where we get the word "sacra-ment" from.

This is Sokar, a three part god in Egypt called Ptah-Sokar-Osiris. The name varies in few ways such as Seker.

If you look at the counterparts of Sakra, one of them is Ame-no-mina-kanushi. This jumps out because it starts with "Ame-n". In a similar way to Sakra and this counterpart starting with "Amen", Soker's counterpart became Amen in Egypt.




You can variously break up kanushi I broke down Kanushi into Kan and Ushi and, and this seems to mean, consecutively, coming of age and cow/cattle. However, it could mean:

I can't help but notice how this seems to correlate to the number 40, the letter MEM in hebrew and it's meaning "water" that seems to tie in with the number 42 (forty and two) and the Chinese calendar of seasons. It makes me wonder whether or not this water god "Sakra" led to Soker, which led to Amen and the stories of the flood we have in the Torah and Christianity today.

Can you see the Aleph Tav formed from the Chinese script? I am seeing a fairly obvious reference to a water buffalo and a tie to Buddism that is rarely mentioned.

Sakra - Wikipedia

Indriya - 22 controlling powers

Sutra of Forty-two Chapters

42 Stages of Enlightenment

Buddhism in Ancient Egypt and Meroe, Beliefs Revealed Through Ancient Script

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