What do the Virgo and Leo Constellations Have To Do With The Sphinx?
Virgo the Lion Rider: The Key to Unlocking the Secret of the Sphinx
Vesica Piscis and the Sacred Feminine Code

Sekhmet, the eye of Ra, the wife of the god Ptah and mother of his son Nefertum. She was also said to be the mother of a lion god, Maahes.
There are two sphinxes. One is on earth in Giza next to the pyramids and one is in the sky represented by a combination of the constellations Virgo and Leo. When you understand that the gods in Egypt could take many different forms, like in Hinduism or Buddhism, then everything begins to fall into place.
A Sphinx was likely the expression of "the Holy Spirit", the feminine aspect of the trinity of Ptah, Sekhmet and Maahes (Horus). Ptah is also referred to as "Sah". Ma'at is "truth". The sphinx is a half of the constellation Virgo (also represented as ISIS, the virgin mother and Hathor) and Leo.
I think this does represent a solar eclipse right above the horizon near the top of one of the pyramids, not a "UFO". And that the light around it likely represents "the 19 rays", as found in the Heptagram of Babalon.
Odin's eyepatch represents a solar eclipse (left) and a lunar eclipse (blood moon, right). The moon is symbolic of the son of God (in Egypt, Horus, in Nordic tradition, Thor).
Big Egyptian Sphinx Cover-Up: Hidden Chambers, Unexcavated Mound and Endless Denial
"It’s clear to me that it was first built as a lion.” - quote from article linked above
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