Q Do You Believe in COINCIDENCEs? and the Meaning of 13

Jesus is referred to as the Son of man in 84 Bible verses


The Number 616 - The Law

The Number 611- TORAH

The Number 116 - The Mouth of the LORD

The Number 111 - Aleph

The Number 666 - God's Secret Place

Jesus is referred to as the Son of man in 84 Bible verses (KJV), which is the gematria value of חנוך ("Enoch"). The 690th digits of pi, phi and e respectively are 962, all the years of Jared's life. After he fathered Enoch, Jared lived another 800 years (Gen 5:19).

the term שמנה מאות שנה ("eight hundred years") has a gematria value of 1197

1197 is the sum of the 166th prime and 166th composite numbers

Melchizedek was the priest of the most high God (Gen 14:18). The most high is עליון (Elyon) which has a gematria value of 166.

Jared (ירד) has a gematria value of 214

214 is the 166th composite number

"Called of God an high priest after the order of Melchisedec." Heb 5:10

In this verse, the term αρχιερευς ("an high priest") has a gematria value of 1421.

1421 is the 1197th composite number

Wisdom And Understanding

A verse in the Revelation of John calls for wisdom and understanding to calculate the number 666 (Rev 13:18). The Book of Proverbs compares wisdom and understanding to gold and silver:

"How much better is it to get wisdom than gold! and to get understanding rather to be chosen than silver!" Pro 16:16

The Book of Proverbs begins, "The words of Solomon, the son of David" (Pro 1:1). The term שלמה בן דוד ("Solomon, the son of David") has a gematria value of 441, the same as אמת (emeth) meaning "truth".

441 is the 355th composite number

Gen 14:18 is verse number 355 in the Torah

Jesus is Messiah, the son of David (Mat 1:1). In Hebrew משיח בן דוד ("Messiah, the son of David") has a gematria value of 424.

Pro 16:16 is verse number 16,857 in the Bible (KJV)

the 16,857th digits of pi, phi and e respectively are 424

The words "gold" and "silver" appear together in 164 Bible verses (KJV). In those 164 verses:

the word "gold" appear 179 times

the word "silver" appears 179 times

179 + 179 = 358, the gematria value of משיח ("Messiah")

Pro 16:16 is the 109th of the 164 "gold" and "silver" verses in the Bible.

109 is the 29th prime number

the first 29 prime numbers sum to 1480, the gematria value of Χριστος ("Christ") which means "Messiah"

The 109th composite number is 144, and the first 144 digits of pi sum to 666.

"Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six." Rev 13:18

The words "wisdom" and "understanding" appear together in 53 Bible verses (KJV) with 24 of those in the Book of Proverbs.

the first 24 digits of pi, phi and e sum to a total of 355

Gen 14:18 is verse number 355 in the Torah

Within the 53 "wisdom" and "understanding" verses:

the word "wisdom" appears 55 times

the word "understanding" appears 55 times

the 55th digits of pi, phi and e respectively are 919, the gematria value of μελχισεδεκ ("Melchisedec")

55 + 55 = 110

The first occurrence of 110 in pi is followed by the three digits 555.

the word "Christ", which means "Messiah" appears 555 times in the Bible (KJV)

Jesus said, I am Alpha and Omega (Rev 1:7; 1:11; 6:20; 22:13), which are the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet. Their Hebrew equivalent are א ת (Aleph and Tav). The word את (eth) appears 7372 times in the Tanakh, which is more than any other word.

Rev 13:18 is verse number 30,927 in the KJV

Pro 16:16 is verse number 16,857

30,927 - 16,857 = 14,070

Beginning from position 14,070 in e are the four digits 7372.

7*3*7*2 = 294, which is the gematria value of מלכי-צדק ("Melchizedek").


"Mercy Seat"

The meaning of thirteen

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