Q the Number 380, Egypt and Arcturus

Only one verse in the Bible has the gematria sum of 153. It is Ezra 10:35, that’s right, minus the “0:”, it just happens to be an anagram to 153. Ezra is the 15th book in the bible, represented by the 15th hebrew letter, Samek. All the verse contains are the names of three Hebrew men who are named for having married outside of the Hebrew family.

Note Ezra means ‘help’ (Strong’s 5380).

Ezra 10:35

“Benaiah, Bedeiah, Chelluh.”

What meaning of value could possibly be in that?

Translated to English these names mean; Benaiah- God builds, Bedeiah- servant of God, Chelluh- to completion (the End). Put together they can mean, God builds up his servants to the End. This is synonymous with the concept of the vesica Pisces, represented by ‘153’ being the building block of all things.

It just so happens that in Ancient Egyptian the word ‘arq’ (ark) means end and is represented by a fish symbol.

And the 153rd verse in the bible is Genesis 6:15 which says,

“And this is the fashion which thou shalt make it of: The length of the ark shall be three hundred cubits, the breadth of it fifty cubits, and the height of it thirty cubits.

That’s 300 X 50 X 30 = 45,000

This could also be taken subjectively and added to 300+50+30 = 380.


The Number 380 - Egypt

Note also that the eight human occupants of the Biblical Ark are first named in Genesis 6:18. Or 1 6 18, Phi!

This is the Noble Eightfold Path on the Dharma Wheel. Notice how the center triskelion resembles 666. 6x6x6 = 216. Divided in half would be 108.

This wheel could symbolize the steering wheel on a ship or possibly the 8 spoke wheel on a chariot or ox cart, frequently depicted as being used to transport "the ark of God" in the first and second books of Samuel. From 1 Sam 5:8, for example:

257+86 = 343 or 7x7x7.

The Number 86 - Elohim

The Number 343 - The Ark of God

The Number 666 - God's Secret Place

The Number 777 - In the Firmament of Heaven

Other translations for the Hebrew word given for "Arcturus" under gematria on the Biblewheel number 380:

Q Divine Wisdom

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