This Blog is an Open Resource Containing Links, Commentary, Back Ups, and Research Into a Wide Variety of Topics and How They Can Connect to the Modern World: Alchemy, Astronomy, Astrology, Archeoastrology, Egyptology, Etymology, Gematria, History, Isopsephy, Numerology, Esoteric Knowledge, Occult, Magic, Gnosticism, and Many More. This blog features materials protected by the Fair Use guidelines of Section 107 of the Copyright Act. All rights reserved to copyright owners.
Bust of Pallas Athena with the symbol of Aries/Ammon.
The Parthenon erected on The Acropolis at Athens was dedicated to her. Pallas Athena image in the form of a statue forty-two feet high stood within that temple. This gigantic statue, fashioned by Phidias, was completely faced with ivory and gold.
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God. WWG1WGA
Follow the White Rabbit - Q
Lepus Constellation - the white hare. Ostara is Easter.
Orion Constellation is Osiris.
Orion is the heavenly Father. Lepus is Jesus, the heavenly Son. Bootes is the Holy Spirit fighting an invisible enemy named Corona. This is the planisphaerium coeleste 1730 giclee print.
Albrecht Duerer - The Man of Sorrows by the Column - 1509
Hold your hand like in the drawing and look at it from the same perspective as Jesus.
To do this, hold your right hand pointing to your left in front of you, palm down. Let your thumb relaxed and down. Curl up your index finger. That makes the four (on its side). Then you might have to use your other hand to curl down your pinky finger. That makes the top of the two. Your thumb makes the bottom of the two. The hand symbol is forty-two.
The pose with arms crossed is clearly a reference to Osiris. King Tut's gold coffin represents the image of Osiris.
The folded hands represent the headress of Egyptian god Amen, the Hidden One.
The Sheep and the Goats is a Zodiac reference. The Seal of the Treasury on the dollar has a scales in the sky above the pyramid. A reference to Libra, which on the Egyptian Zodiac is Ma'at. The 42 Principles of Ma'at. Seven red stripes on the US flag x six white stripes = 42. Seven stars on the pyramid in the Treasury Seal times 6 stars on the other side = 42.
The 42 Principles of Ma'at are the Ark (Hebrew word for gathering) of the Ka (spirit) Venant (French word "from"). The Ark of the Covenant. Or the CON VENANT (Negative Confessions). Or COVE VENANT, "Cove" having to do with water and blessing the spirit.
This post partners well with Osiris, Christianity and Gnosticism
ALL for one (E Pluribus Unum - or "out of many, one". Literally word for word in Latin "from" "more" "one") and One for All is coded on each side of the $1 bill.
There are multiple refernces to 42 either in instances of 42 letters, symbolically 7x6 = 42, or (13 + 1) x 3 = 42.
Click on the images below to see them larger. Or in some browsers, you can right click on the image and open the image in a new tab.
May notice a Greek Alpha (Aries) and Omega (Libra) at the base of the arrows on the Great Pyramid in the image above.
This one is a little more complex. You get 42 on the left by starting with 32 on the banner. You add one more (E Pluribus Unum). Then count 9 letters in E Pluribus. 33 + 9 = 42. On the right, you have 13. Add one for 14. Then you count it as Unum (One). There are three in one (orange numbers). So you multiply by 3.
14 x 3 = 42.
Then there is the number 1 (Unum) where the shield points. And a few other numbers in the one (unum) body of the eagle (green). There are 19 stripes in the shield (S), 13 in the tail (which from above is 13+1 = 14) (N), a one (A), an 11 (K) and a 5 (E). It spells snake. If you look carefully at the ribbon in the Eagle's mouth, it is supposed to be a snake's body. The snake represents tyranny and evil. All for one is tyranny. (All serving one). One for all is freedom (one serving all). All for one, one for all. Law of correspondence, duality. Tyranny vs. Freedom.
And within the shield, there are 7 light vertical stripes and 6 dark ones. 7x6=42.
"Thou shalt have no other gods before me". Do not kneel to the statue of freedom. Stand for it. Do not kneel to the government. Stand for it. Do not kneel for the flag. Stand for it. Kneel to God.
$1 bill
Washington appears to have a lion's face coming out of his hair. He is known to have carried a silver lion sword.
$5 bill
Lincoln appears to have an ox's profile in his hair. The wave is the horn with an ox face on the right with a possible yoke around the neck. He is known for his Ox Yoke kept at the University of Illinois. The layout of the bills appear to come from the Yoke Ox's shape.
$10 bill
$20 bill
Hamilton is just a man's face. He is faced away from the Liberty Torch, a symbol of enlightenment. Does this represent the nature of man?
Jackson appears to have an eagle in flight in his hair and also has the emblem of an eagle with flapped wings (top left in this picture).
The four living creatures of Revelation.
The scales above the pyramid are the Greek Zodiac Libra, the Egyptian Zodiac Ma'at. The 42 Principles of Ma'at.
The 42 Principles of Ma'at are the Ark of the Covenant. Seven red stripes and 6 white stripes on the US Flag are 7x6=42. You are stepping on, overturning and burning the Ark of the Covenant! And doing the same to the country! You are kneeling to the laws of man. Don't be so foolish!
Here is a perfect example of a re-reading of the building of the Ark, which I believe is actually a description on how to make a tablet of the 42 principles of Maat. I showed how the Ark can be measured with two pointer fingers and putting your thumbs together to make a cube. So this tablet is not all that big. Much like the ones found in Nubia which I pictured in a recent post. "The Ark" is not a 4 1/2 foot by two foot by two foot wooden crate covered in gold, but a firm and smaller tablet of stone that is covered with a shimmering or oil probably to preserve the carving in stone.
Previous interpretations of the Bible say "the ark" has a lid (Hebrew word haKaPoret). But I don't think it's the lid. I think it is just the top of the carving.
UPDATE: This translation has been scrubbed and I am looking into this. This is an unaltered screenshot. I have found an article that states the Ka'Poret is something other than a box cover because the Hebrew word for a box cover would be michseh. It suggests the Ka'Poret it is some type of covering or protection.
"ha" simply means "the". I think this means "the Ka (the spirit/soul) gate" (although poret as "gate" appears to be scrubbed now). Egyptians believed life was a journey like the sun. When the sun rises, it symbolizes birth. And when it sets, it symbolizes death. I don't think this is a "lid". I think it's the sun. And it goes bewtween two "Cherubim".
But I think "Cherubim" is also a mistranslation. I think those are the wings. Cherubim is a winged creature. But Cherubim is written here as K'ruviym and the derivation of the word is unknown. I think this could be from the Tamil language, a Dravidian language from India or Sri Lanka. "Karuviyam" means apparatus. Scientists today still frequently refer to bird and insect wings as an "apparatus".
I still believe that this "lid" is actually the artwork over the 42 Principles of Maat showing the sun between two wings.
The ARK of the KA - VENANT. (The Gathering From the Spirit) French and Egyptian. Or the CON VENANT (From the Negative, or Negative Confessions). French. Or the COVE VENANT (Blessings From the Spirit). Also French.
6x5 (30) stars in the outer field. 5x4 (20) stars in the inner field. 20(inner) + 30(outer) = 50 states. 20/30 = 2/3rds rule.
Actual Ark of the Covenant (The Gathering of the Soul Going Forth)
Man's False Interpretation of the Ark of the Covenant
Refer to the sheep and the goats parable of Jesus. Sheep on the right, goats on the left. Aries is the ram (a sheep) and represents the law of God. Aries is across from Libra, the law of man. They are symbolized by the Alpha and the Omega.
When you pray and say "Amen", you are referring to this Egyptian god. When you put your hands together, you are representing his headress.
Libra (the law of man) on the Greek Zodiac is represented as Maat on the Egyptian Zodiac.
In between the sheep on the right and goats on the left, you have Aquarius (water-carrier) and Pisces. The lost city of Atlantis is Nubia as described by Plato in figurative language.
You stand for the flag. You kneel for the cross.
You do not kneel to the laws of man. (strictly obey) You stand for the laws (spirit of the law). You do not stand against God. (spirit of man) You kneel to God (strictly obey).
God is the beginning and the end (of life). Birth to death.
The flag (representing the living) is NOT the cross (representing the dead).
Never kneel to the flag.
If you want to show respect to George Floyd, then STAND FOR YOUR FLAG and KNEEL AT THE CROSS. You are making a grave mistake.
So saith the Lord, your God. Amen Ra.
Pictured below: the lost city of Atlantis is Nubia; Hapi is the god of the Nile flood; Maat wearing a fish headress.
Q the Armor of God