Osiris, Christianity and Gnosticism

This is obviously a reference to Greece and there is even a horse with a fish's tail at the top (GrecoRoman mythology). Peacocks and crows would relate to Apollo and Hera, not Jesus. I've seen many people online trying to dispel this and argue this is Jesus, but it is clear to me through symbolism that it is not. And it should be plain to anyone that even takes a few mintues to research the symbols.  For example, Hermes the ram herder has a ram on his back similar to the way this goat herder, Attis has a goat on his back.  It's very obvious.

Dionysus (1500 BC to 11000 BC) with the Shepard carrying a sheep on the right, the goat on the left.

Mithra, Aries (the ram, a male sheep) on his right. Capricorn, the goat on his left.

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