The Towers (City) of Babel/Babylon - the Giza Plateau (plain of Sinar)
Mount Sinai (Sinay) - a reference to Sinar, the Nubian builders of the pyramids, Sinar the obvious origin of the modern word sinner, symbolizing the collapse of the Kush Empire.
Noah's Ark - Boat of Cheops
Ark of the Covenant - The 42 Principles of Maat
Lost City of Atlantis - Nubians
John's Vision of Christ as Thoth Revelation 1:12-18

The name of God.
"netjer" ("nTr" - god)
a flagpole : wind is powerful but invisible netjer link
Sun on the Horizon - QOF
Ezekiel's Wheel
the first living creature like a lion, the second living creature like an ox, the third living creature with the face of a man, and the fourth living creature like an eagle in flight.
Amun-Ra, an eagle with a man's head.
Cherubim feature at some length in the Book of Ezekiel. ... In Ezekiel 1:5–11 they are described as having the likeness of a man, and having four faces: that of a man, a lion (on the right side), and ox (on the left side), and an eagle.
March = In like a lion, out like a lamb (sheep). Spring forward, fall back.
Jewel of King Tut: Ra-Horakty
Ezekiel 10:9-11 English Standard Version (ESV)
9 And I looked, and behold, there were four wheels beside the cherubim, one beside each cherub, and the appearance of the wheels was like sparkling beryl. 10 And as for their appearance, the four had the same likeness, as if a wheel were within a wheel. 11 When they went, they went in any of their four directions[a] without turning as they went, but in whatever direction the front wheel[b] faced, the others followed without turning as they went.
Note: The front (first) wheel is the face and it looks away from the evil. The second and third wheel are the feet - the sun and the moon. And the fourth wheel is the rotation of the complete symbol in the third dimension.
Brightest Saturn, Spring's Lion.
Mercury was then forced to return the oxen and he gave his lyre to Apollo to replace the missing oxen
The double-headed eagle - symbol of Venus
Mars - God of War (face of a man)
An interesting read on Enoch's Zodiac and Ezekiel's Wheel.
I see a sheep, lion, goat and ox going from left to right. It's interesting to me that the sheep and goat were modified in their descriptions. The writer calls the figure in the middle "a lamb". So perhaps he was saying that one had the face of the figure in the middle (the lamb). And if you can zoom in on the face of the goat, it could resemble an eagle flapping its wings.

For I say unto you, That except your righteousness. shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and. Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven.
- a wise guy
Luke 16:14 The Pharisees, who loved money, heard all this and were sneering at Jesus.
Matthew 23:14 "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, because you devour widows' houses, and for a pretense you make long prayers; therefore you will receive greater condemnation.
The Tradition of the Elders (Matthew 15:1-9)
Doves: Ravens , Peace:War