The 7 words parallel the 7 words in the beginning verse of Torah, and the 12 words parallel the 12 closing verse of Torah, which have been well established by the rabbis.
The original 5 books of Torah therefore represent the revealed Torah, and the new 7 books of Torah would represent the concealed Torah that is yet to be revealed.
Written Torah is written down in order for the eyes to see, this is represented by letter Ayin, meaning “eye”.
Oral Torah is the teaching of Torah by mouth, this is represented by letter Peh, meaning “mouth”.
The fact that Ayin precedes Peh in the Alphabet comes to teach us that Written Torah is primary and Oral Torah is secondary.
The union of Written Torah and Oral Torah therefore is represented by the union of letter Ayin and letter Peh, which union is in 150.
Pharisees and Sadducees
The secret of the five (5) breads and seven (7) breads are the same, they are revealed as the “leaven of Pharisees and Sadducees” (Mat 16:11).
Pharisees and Sadducees represent the two opposite extremes on the subject of Oral Torah.
Pharisees accept all Oral Traditions by faith, this is one extreme of Torah study.
Sadducees reject all Oral Traditions and only accept the plain and simple meaning of the Torah, this is the other extreme of Torah study.
The Torah study as taught by Yeshua the Mashiach is to reconcile the two dichotomies, by studying both Oral Traditions as well as the plain and simple meaning of the Torah, such that the truth can be clarified by the works of the Holy Spirit...
Behaalotcha the Secret of the Inverted Nuns
dichotomy: a division or contrast between two things that are or are represented as being opposed or entirely different. For example, exists vs. non-existant. Light vs. Darkness. Good vs. Evil. etc.
The Pharisees and the Sadducees were Jewish schools of thought.
"For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 5:20

Excerpts from Speed of Light on Bible Gematria
The number 373 (the word, Logos) is the 74th prime number.
the gematria value of אלהים (Elohim) is 86
the first occurrence of 86 in pi begins from position 74
the following three digits are 208
the 208th word in the Bible is להאיר ("to give light") when God set the great lights in the firmament of heaven to give light upon the earth (Gen 1:16-17)
Genesis 1
16 And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.
17 And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth

A few comments. The "Eyes of Horus" and the "Eye of Thoth" are not necessarily correct in this image. The Eye of Thoth (which would actually be YOUR right eye in a reflected mirror image) is the Eye of Horus. In the middle should be "The eyes of Ra-Horakhty" which is translated as Ra (who is) Horus of the Horizons. I've seen it also translated as the same but as "...of the Two Horizons". The eyes are symbolic of the yin/yang, the sun/moon relationship. Osiris is the father and Horus is the son, leaving Ra as the Holy Spirit, or mother. Sekhmet is also known as "the eye of Ra".
Notice the eye of Horus is "seated" at the right side of the father , the almighty "One" (Osiris). Horus is associated with the moon, breathing, and the tides. This could be the reason that Jesus (a later interpretation of Horus by Christians) is known as "the breath of life". His true nature is being a light in the darkness, like the moon.
The eyes are the hieroglyph of the bird, and the swirls are the wings symbolizing flight. This 'power' to see from both sides (dark and light) gives you the abilities of flight (intelligence, knowledge, wisdom, otherwise known as critical thinking).
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