Q the Secrets of Leonardo's Sacred Geometry, Writer of Fables and Short Stories

Leonardo was not only the brilliant painter, sculptor, architect, scientist, musician known all over the world, but he was also a writer of fairy tales. Short stories, scattered in various manuscripts and writings in the last decade of the fifteenth century, when Leonardo worked at the court of Ludovico il Moro. Inspired by typical themes of classic fairy tales, Leonardo's stories are characterized by having as protagonists not so much large animals, men and divinities, but rather plants, objects and small animals ignored by ancient fables, such as the spider or the butterfly. The attribution of human characteristics to simple tools, plants or inanimate objects is also innovative, which raises the bold fire, the superb cedar or the arrogant razor to the protagonists. The relationship between man and Nature is the leitmotif of all fairy tales, which is articulated according to four main themes: the need to remain in one's own state, with the suggestion of remaining within the limits imposed by Nature; the presumption punished, with the condemnation of those who exceed these limits; the criticism of complaining and excess, with the punishment of those who want a condition different from their own ...-- If you love great geniuses this book is for you.Leonardo da Vinci was not only the genius and innovator known for artistic works and futuristic machines. He was also a storyteller of fables and legends, full of wit and moral commitment. The true character of his stories is nature in its elements: water, fire, earth, air. Animals have life, thought and even the gift of speech. This volume collects stories suitable for children and adults, for a first encounter with the greatest genius in history. -Translated to try to remain as faithful as possible to Leonardo's way of writing and thinking.- If you want to start thinking like the greatest genius of the Renaissance, This book is for you!


Leonardo Da Vinci Fables

Not only did Leonardo write with a special kind of shorthand that he invented himself, he also mirrored his writing, starting at the right side of the page and moving to the left. Only when he was writing something intended for other people did he write in the normal direction.

Mirror writing, Museum of Science, Boston

Linear Perspective Study For the Adoration ofthe Magi

Robert Edward Grant - New Discovery Inside the Great Pyramids King Chamber

Flipped horizontally, 50% opacity.

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