Q Laus Deo

Inscribed on the aluminum cap, notable names and dates in the monument's construction are recalled, and on the east face, facing the rising sun, the Latin words "Laus Deo," which translate to, "Praise be to God."

Osiris is also called the morning star.

The original design of the Washington Monument had a Partheon. But it was not a sun dial, it was to be topped with a 600 foot column.

There is erroneous information that this proposed pantheon was to have 30 columns, but the true number was 40, with an additional thicker column in the center that appeared to have twice the area in its circular cross-section as the other 40. Could this have represented 42? The truth will probably not be known because this plan was scrapped.

However, this does bring to mind the 40 milestones surrounding Washington DC and the two similar stones - the Meridian stone and the Jefferson stone, one marking the direct center of the square and the other across the street - both apparently within two ellipses. The Jefferson stone appears to be approximately where the Washington Monument was to be placed. The Washington Monument was moved 390 feet east south-east due to unstable ground to support it.

The Ground Plan for the Pantheon in Rome

Do you see how there are three faux pillars built into the design? It appears from the outside that there are 6 columns deep and 8 wide.

Imagine for a moment that there were 48 pillars holding up the front portico. Notice how the dome itself would cut out six of those, leaving 42.

Just an interesting observation I made in comparison to the Jefferson Memorial, which does have 42 pillars within the circular dome.

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