Q the Sacred Texts, Seven Archangels, Seals and Sigils

These are some useful links I found when I started researching this a few months ago. I started looking at the Book of Enoch which led me to the Keys of Solomon the King. These are topics that some people have taken a lifetime to research. I am posting a link to some of the most interesting information I've found. I am collecting it here to further organize it.

There are some differences in the seven archangels coming from different religions and interpretations. The information that I've read is that the seven archangels are mentioned in the Book of Enoch, chapter 20.

Sacred Text - The Book of Enoch

Sacred Text - The Key of Solomon the King

From "The Key of Solomon the King":


(1.) Seven Pentacles consecrated to Saturn Black.

(2.) Seven Pentacles consecrated to Jupiter Blue.

(3.) Seven Pentacles consecrated to Mars = Red.

(4.) Seven Pentacles consecrated to the Sun = Yellow.

(5.) Five Pentacles consecrated to Venus = Green.

(6.) Five Pentacles consecrated to Mercury = Mixed Colours.

(7.) Six Pentacles consecrated to the Moon = Silver.

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