Q the 12 Hour Mystery and the Hidden Chamber

"He who sees the dead Osiris will never die."

Coffin Texts, Spell 1050.

The Book of The Hidden Chamber ca. 1426 BCE

the Twelve Hours of the Night and the Midnight Mystery

Section 1 - History of the Midnight Mystery


The five point star, like what is on the American flag. In order to draw a pentagon, the angles at the center must be 72. Seventy two times 5 is 360 (degrees).

Section 2 - Egyptian Pataphysics and Creation


The unfinished pyramid, as it appears in the Great Seal on the back of the US one dollar bill.

Section 3 - The Summary


An upside down version of the unfinished pyramid. The 13 stars in the pyramid in the Seal of the Treasury stand for the 12 Hours of Time and Form. This is likely why there were 13 colonies and why the flag has 13 stripes.


Gate deities of the netherworld.

Wikipedia Gate Deities of the Underworld (a better translation is Netherworld or Other World

The Guardians of Menekhibnekau Chapter 144 of the Book of the Dead


An excerpt:


The Book of the Dead: Chapter of the Hidden Pylons

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