Q Horus the Child

The Hebrew word used in the Bible for the Ark of the Covenant is AROWN, a box in the sense of gathering.

The Hebrew word used for what we know as "the lid" or "the cover" is the HAKAPORET. This translation to lid or cover is admittedly an approximation to the Hebrew word Kapporeth. Refer to Q the Winged Sun.

Ha in the occult anatomy is represented by the sun and a Sauwastika. That is to say, a left-facing swastika.

Horus the Child is called in Egyptian Hor Pa Khered, literally meaning Horus the Child. In Greek, this is Harpocrates (Hor vs Har, Pa vs Po, Khered vs. Crates). Harpocrates is represented as a "winged son" of Horus.

There are some other various versions of the same word shown here to show the hieroglyphs.

The hieroglyphs for Horus the Child.

I can't help but notice the similarities of the two words HaKaPoret and Hor Pa Khered.

In the hall is a symbol over Osiris with the eye of Ra.

Sekhmet's title is "the Eye of Ra".

At the top is a figure in the seated position of HEH (eternity) with the wings of Ma'at (truth) on each side. These are the 42 accessors, the Principles of Ma'at, or the Negative Confessions. I believe it is the Ark of the Covenant. The signs are everywhere.

Translate Denderah Zodiac

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