Q the Secret of Sukkot

The Secret of Sukkot - the Times of Israel

In summary, the secret of Sukkot is the secret of the coming Kingdom of God when God is called “my husband” אִישִׁי.

At the collective level, the progression of the high holidays is from “our king” to “our father”, to “our husband”, the gematria is 638:

Rosh Hashanah – judgment Our king
מַלְכֵּנוּ‎ 146 Yom Kippur – forgiveness Our father
אָבִינוּ 69 Sukkot – marriage And our husband
וְאֲנָשֵׁינוּ 423 638

This is the exact same gematria of the three fathers, as follows:

Yom Kippur Abraham
אַבְרָהָם 248 Rosh Hashanah Isaac
יִצְחָק 208 Sukkot Jacob
יַעֲקֹב 182 638

At the personal level, Rosh Hashanah corresponds to “my king”, Yom Kippur corresponds to “my father”, and Sukkot corresponds to “my husband”, the gematria:

Rosh Hashanah – judgment My king
מַלְכִּי 100 Yom Kippur – forgiveness M father
אָבִי 13 Sukkot – marriage My husband
אִישִׁי 321 434

434 is exactly the gematria of “Mashiach son of David”, when David is spelled with a Yud, hinting to the grand finale, as follows:

Mashiach ben David

מָּשִׁיחַ בֶּן דָּוִיד 434 As it is written for the husband and wife:

…And they shall reign forever and ever (Rev 22:5)

The rendering in Hebrew has the exact same gematria of Mashiach, which is 358, as follows:

And they shall reign forever and ever

וּמָלְכוּ לְעוֹלָם וָעֶד 358

The Number 373 - Logos/Word

The Number 1013 - The Incense of Prayer

The Codes in Science

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