Q the Constellations

Follow the white rabbit - Q.

The Planisphaerium Coeleste 1730 giclee print.

If you follow the white rabbit, which is the constellation Lepus, you find the constellation Bo'otes.

Bo'otes, the Coming One, is fighting an invisible enemy called "Corona", meaning crown.

In Egyptian mythology, the sight of Virgo in the night sky was also associated with harvest time. If you look below Bo'otes on the Planispherium Coeleste, you see Virgo holding a plant in the tail of Leo, which is shaped like a Q.

Washington DC was built aligned to Virgo. Specifically, the White House (Arcturus), the Washington Monument (Spica), and the US Capitol Building(Regulus).

Virgo represents liberty, innocence and purity. Its name is Latin for virgin. Virgo is often thought to be an Egyptian counterpart of Isis, the wife of Osiris. Sailors revered her: A festival held every spring became associated with Isis and was later known across the Roman world as Navigium Isidis.

The Frond of Erua was depicted as a goddess holding a palm-frond – a motif that still occasionally appears in much later depictions of Virgo.

Ostara (Easter), the goddess of spring, created Lepus (the Easter bunny).

Lepus can be found under Orion, who is Osiris (and has strong ties to Mithras and his fight with a bull).

Mithras is fighting a bull (Taurus) in this sculpture.

Arcturus is the primary star in the constellation Bo'otes.

There are some interesting readings from Edgar Cayce regarding Arcturus.

Arcturus means assemble. The Dead Sea scrolls say the Great Pyramid is the Ark. The true purpose of the Great Pyramid was a gathering place for the storm. The Hebrew word used for Ark (Aron) means "in the sense of gathering".

Matthew 24:26-28 The Return of the Son of Man

So if they tell you, ‘There He is in the wilderness,’ do not go out; or, ‘Here He is in the inner rooms,’ do not believe it. 27 For just as the lightning comes from the east and flashes as far as the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. 28 Wherever there is a carcass, there the vultures will gather.…

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