Q Eternity

This stone block appears to have 101 010 written on it, a binary code representing 42. This could have been symbolic of "eternity(limitless)" and "limited", but also resembles the Egyptian numerals for one and the NFR symbol for zero. (The Ankh has an upside down version).

Two was scepters surround the ankh, the symbol of life. The was scepters are believed to be Bennu birds, which represent Osiris. The Ankh also represents eternal life, rebirth, and the life-giving power of the sun. To me this suggests the feminine (notice the similarity to the greek symbol for female) and probably Ma'at, who stands for justice and truth.

The planet Venus was called the "star of the ship of the Bennu-Asar" (Asar is the Egyptian name of Osiris). Bennu is considered to be the Phoenix or firebird and the was scepter symbolizes power.

Heh is the egyptian god of eternity. Do these icons all represent "101" and a hidden duality of "010" representing 42?

Does the top of the Ankh represent the egg of a Great Blue Heron?

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