Q the Miracle of Music

Anyone that plays music, what does the combination of nefer (beautiful) and netjer (god) look like? It looks like modern musical notation. Could it have been the inspiration? A "flag" on a "staff"? It's beautiful and divine sounding? NTR (a flagpole, strong but invisible like the wind), NFR (zero or beautiful). I think it easily could have been influential.

This looks like musical notation to me on the right. It looks like practice runs. One line looks like some type of rhythm or beat. The bottom line looks kind of like modern representation of resting. The first two symbols look like a half rest and a whole rest. Is Seth practicing an instrument? The caption says it depicts funerary offerings. What is Seth offering? Beautiful, divine music?


It's clear to me that Egyptians understood splitting objects in half, quarters, eighths, sixteenths, etc...and that they had advanced mathematics knowledge and knew the binary number system (used in computer languages with 0's and 1's.). It's not far-fetched that they had a lot of impact on our modern government, music, math, religion and society in general.

When you see that, the signs are everywhere.

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