Q the Binary Grid

This is the hieroglyph for Osiris. There is a 12 x 6 grid that you can overlap on this (72 is a signifigant number in the Osiris myth) and if you consider each column a position in binary code, there is a step at 2, 8 and 32. The sum of which is 42. The "steps" vary in height. The first is 1. The second is 8. The third is 3. Which gives you a three digit number, 183.

I found it interesting, and I don't know if there is any relevance but Chapter 183 in the Book of the Dead is an Homage to Osiris. It certainly doesn't seem to be coincidental.

You can also go down the steps, but it is just as easy to look at the widths of the columns in reverse. The last column is 1 wide. The next is 2. And the first ones (the lower part) are also 2. I learned that Chapter 122 is considered to be the same as Chapter 58 in the Book of Dead, according to Bulge.

Here are some excerpts and various translations:


Chapter for breathing air and command of water.

Let the door be opened to me 1

Who art thou ? What is thy name ?

I am One of You !

Who is with thee ?

It is the Merta.

Turn away then (i) front to front, on entering the Meskat. (2)

He grants that I may sail to the Abode of those who have found their faces.

Collector of Souls is the name of my Bark, Bristler of Hair is the name of the Oars, Point\ is the name of its Hatch, Right and Straight the name of the Rudder.

The picture of it is the representation of my glorious journey upon the Canal.

Give me jars of milk and cakes and flesh meat at the House of Anubis.

If this chapter is known he entereth after having gone out.

* On some Religious Texts of the Early Egyptian Period in Trans, Soc Bibl. Arch., Vol. IX, p. 303.


Adoration to Osiris, giving him praise, boiving doivn before Unneferu, failing on ofie's face before the lord of Ta-tsert, and exalting him who is on his sand.

I have come to thee, son of Xut, Osiris, prince everlasting. I am in the train of Thoth, I rejoice in all that he has done.

He brings thee sweet breezes to thy nose, the breath of life to thy beautiful face, the wind coming out of Tmu to thy nostrils, lord of Ta-tsert.

He grants that the morning light shine on thy body, he illumin- ateth thy path with his rays, he removeth all that is wrong in thy body by the virtue of his speech. He appeases the two gods, the two brothers, he drives away anger and quarrel, and he made the two Rehti, the two sisters, gracious unto thee, so that the two earths may be at peace before thee ; he removes the displeasure out of their hearts, so that one embraces the other.

Thy son Horus is triumphant before the whole cycle of gods ; he has received the royal power on the earth, and his dominion over the whole earth ; the throne of Seb has been imparted to him ; the high dignity of Tmu is kept in record as his possession, engraved on a brick of iron, as was ordered by thy father Tatunen in his sanctuary.

(This god) giveth thee to join him on the firmament, when he raiseth water on the mountains in order to make growth come forth on the mountains, and all growth spring out of the earth ; he brings forth all products on water and on land.

Thou hast handed over to thy son Horus all the gods of Heaven and the gods of earth, they are his servants at his gates, and all that he has commanded is before them ; they fulfil it at once ; thy heart is satisfied, thy heart, lord of the gods, is overjoyed because of it.

Egypt and the desert are at peace ; they are the vassals of thy royal diadem ; the temples and the cities are well ordered in their places; the cities and the provinces are his possession according to their names, they bring to thee tributes of offerings, and they make libations to thy name for ever. Thou art called upon, and thy name is praised, thy ka is gratified by funereal meals.

The Glorified who are in thy following sprinkle water on thy food by the side of the dead souls in this land. All thy thoughts are excellent like those of him who was at the beginning.

Be crowned, son of Nut, as the Inviolate god is crowned ; thou art living, thou art revived, thou art renewed, thou art perfect. Thy father Ra giveth health to all thy limbs, thy divine circle giveth thee praise. Isis is with thee, she will never leave thee before all thy enemies are struck down.

All the lands praise thy beauties like Ra when he rises every morning; thou art crowned like him who is high on his pedestal, thy beauties are exalted, thy strides are lengthened ; thou hast received the royal power of Seb, thy father who creates thy beauties ; thy mother gave existence to thy limbs, Nut who bare the gods bare thee to be the chief of the five gods. The white crown of the South is placed on thy head; thou seizest the hook and the flail. When thou wast still in the womb, before thou didst appear on earth, thou wast crowned to be lord of the two earths, the a^e/ crown of Ra was on thy head.

The gods come to thee, bowing down, the fear of thee possesses them ; they see thee with the might of Ra, and the valour of thy majesty fills their hearts.

Life is with thee, abundance is attached to thee. I offer Maat before thee : grant that I may be in the train of thy majesty like one who is on the earth. May thy name be called upon, may it be found among the just ones.

I have come to the city of this god, to the city of god, to the region of old time ; my soul, my hi, my Chu are in this land. The god of it is the lord of justice, the lord of abundance, the great and the venerable one, who is towed through the whole earth ; he journeys to the South in his boat, and to the North driven by the winds, and his oars, to be entertained with gifts according to. the command of the god, the lord of peace therein, who left me free of care. The god therein rejoices in him who practices justice ; he grants an old age to him who has done so ; he is beloved, and the end of it is a good burial and a sepulture in Ta-tsert.

I have come to thee : my hands bring Maat, my heart does not contain any falsehood, I offer thee Maat before thy face, I know her ; I swear by her : I have done no evil thing on earth ; I have never wronged a man of his property. I am Thoth, the perfect and pure writer : my hands are pure. I have put away all evil things : I write justice and I hate evil : for I am the wTiting-reed of the Inviolate god, who utters his words, and whose words are written in the two earths.

I am Thoth, the lord of justice, who giveth victory to him who is injured and who taketh ihe defense of the oppressed, of him who is wronged in his property. I have dispelled darkness ; I have driven away the storm ; I have given air to Unneferu, and the sweet breezes of the North when he comes out of the womb of his mother. I have given him to enter into the mysterious cave where is revived the heart of the god whose heart is motionless, Unneferu, the son of Nut, the victorious.


This hymn is taken from the papyrus of Unneferu, in London. See note i in Chapter i.

This appears to have been OCR'd and some text may be altered. It comes from this link:


It's obvious to me that the Egyptians understood binary numbers. The eye appears to represent one, although when you divide it into the six parts, the sum is 63/64. It has been suggested that it means that we are imperfect. On a side note, the parts of the eye represent thought, sight, smell, taste, hearing and touch.

So when I see the BenBen stone, I see three eyes. Full measure, zero on the left, full measure, zero in the middle, full measure, zero on the right. Or 101010. A binary representation of 42.

This is an unverified image found on the Golden Page on Reddit. Is it true?

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