Q Wins

Full 7.28.20 Tucker Carlson

Q Post 6414

To the Glory of the Sublime Architect of the World (Alla Gloria del Supremo Architetto dei Mondi)

What I am seeing on the BenBen stone are the nefer symbols aligned to each eye (the sun representing what is known as the third eye or pineal gland). This is possibly representing seen to unseen three times. Open, closed, open, closed, open, closed. This could be written in binary as 101010, which is the number 42.

This also corresponds to the hieroglyph of beauty and the lotus flower.

The 42 generations of Abraham to the Christ in the Gospel according to Matthew and the 42 generations of David to the Christ according to Luke. (Lk 3,23-38)
The Gentiles will trample the holy city during 42 months. (Rv 11,2)
The 42 months where it was given to the Beast to act and to blaspheme. (Rv 13,5)
The famine of the time of Elijah lasts 42 months. (Lk 4,25)
The little children mocked of the prophet Elisha. This one curses them and the fierce animals come out of the forest killing 42 of them. (2 K 2,24)
42 men of Beth-azmaveth were counted in the census of men of Israel upon return from exile (Ezra 2:24)
According to the Mesopotamian tradition, the surface of the Tower of Babel occupies 42 agrarian measures.
The Odes of Solomon are 42.
The number 42 OR “Forty and Two” is found 13 times in the Bible.
On the whole, 42 books of the Bible use the number 7, whose eight in the NT.
The word star is used 42 times in the OT.

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