Q the Declaration of 42

This is the gravestone of Thomas Jefferson, which never mentions that he was President of the United States.


"Here was buried Thomas Jefferson author of the Declaration of [42] for Religious Freedom and the Father of the University of Virginia.

Model of the Cheops Pyramid in Monticello

The Monticello was, at one point, called "the Hermitage". Note the number of pillars under the pyramid on Monticello; 4 wide, 2 deep, with what appears to be some type of astronomical dome at the top of the building. Compare that with the Treasury Seal.

The Bible Wheel

I, myself, do not believe in the Bible Wheel and the site that I read about it seemed to proclaim that it was a debunked myth. However, this information is useful regarding the symbolism found on the US dollar and it's apparent connection to the winged sun disk and the Holy Ark (which I know to be the word "gathering", which was also a word found describing the Great Pyramid - the gathering). I think the founding fathers believed the ark of the covenant was the 42 Principles of Ma'at and they encoded this knowledge in the Great Seal of the United States.

The image of the six pointed star is found on the top of the right side of the Great Seal (resembling the Jewel of Ra Horakhty). If you add one (E Pluribus Unum) to the symbols numbering 13 in the three parts (arrows, stars and olive leaves), you get 14x3=42. 42 is encoded in many different places on the dollar. (Refer to Q the Hidden Code)


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