Q the Tower of Bavel - the Gate of God

Article on "Bavel"


Interesting notes:

The Great Pyramid is called the House of God. The gathering place. The ark (literally the gathering).

Egypt shock: Dead Sea Scroll scan suggests Noah’s Ark ‘was Great Pyramid of Giza’

The HaKaPoret. Poret is literally "the gate" (note: this translation has been scrubbed from Google translator but is screencapped in the post called "Q the Winged Sun"). Ka in Egyptian is the soul. The soul gate?

Possible derivation of the sun disk symbol:

The BenBen Stone. A capstone from a pyramid kept in a Cairo museum:

I believe this winged sun disk is the "Ka'Poret" and it is a covering over the pyramid, which is an ark (hebrew - ARON), in the sense of being the gathering place. It is a symbol of covering and protection.

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