Q the Marks of the Lord, the Rainbow, and Cygnus the Swan

"the marks of the Lord" would be:

800 + 554 = 1354

The number 1354 becomes interesting in the 26x26 Magic Square.

The Number 800 - Omega, Rainbow

A Mystery in the Universe

The term "Lord Jesus" appears in 115 Bible verses (KJV)

Himeni appears in 13 verses, but mentioned 14 times. This could be the reason for the 39 to 42 relationship when each number is multiplied by 3.


1192 was the sum of the first 262 numbers of three values: phi, pi and e which reference "This is my body".

1192 + 3 = 1195

Q This is My Body

Cygnus the Swan is also known as the Northern Cross

I have posted before about the Southern Cross, the Constellation Crux and it's representation of the poison arrow in the foot of Centaurus. Click here for Q The Least in the Kingdom of Heaven is Greater Than He.

Greek Fire: Isopsephy

The Number 52 - Son, Messiah, Word and Light

Wikipedia - Eostre

Eve's Second Name is Isha


The origin of Easter from Ishtar


Ishtar's symbols were the the lion, the morning star, and eight or sixteen pointed stars.

The German Eostre, the goddess of the dawn—a bringer of light. Elsewhere, the observance is framed in Latin pascha, which in turn is derived from the Hebrew pesach, meaning of or associated with Passover.

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