Q Lamed, the 36 Hidden Righteous Ones, the Nine Unknown Men, and Spoke 17 Pey

The Number 74 - Lamed, To Learn

Lamed in gematria represents the number 30.

With the letter Vav it refers to the Lamedvavniks, the 36 righteous people who save the world from destruction.

There is a Jewish legend which states that were it not for 36 just men in each generation, the world would cease to exist. These thirty-six righteous (tzaddik) are known collectively as the Lamed-vavnik, after the Hebrew words lamed and vav (thirty and six). The legend is presumed to have been taken from Isa 30:18 which addresses God's justice and grace at the end of days. This verse ends "blessed are all they that wait for him" where the word "him" is lamed vav (לו) which has a gematria value of 36.

The gematria value of משיח (Moshiach) is 358, and beginning from position 358 in pi are the two digits 36.

The preceding four digits are 2590, the gematria value εκατον πεντηκοντατριων ("an hundred and fifty and three"), the number of fish caught in the net (Joh 21:11). The psalmist is also waiting for him, when he meditates: "And now, Lord, what wait I for?" (ועתה מה קויתי אדני) which has a gematria value of 1117 (Psa 39:7). The first occurrence of 1117 in pi begins from position 153.

The first 36 verses in the Bible have a total of 503 Hebrew words.

503 is the 96th prime number

the first occurrence of 96 in pi is preceded by the three digits 555

the word "Christ" appears 555 times in the Bible (KJV)

The phrase אשרי כל חוכי לו ("blessed are all they who wait for him" has a gematria value of 641. The first occurrence of 641 in pi is surrounded on each side by the same two digits 21:

When God said אהיה אשר אהיה ("I AM THAT I AM") in answer to Moses' question (Exo 3:14), the gematria values of these three words are 21 501 21. The middle word אשר (asher) has the same spelling, but a different meaning to the word אשר (esher, meaning "blessed").

Source - The Stars of Heaven

King David, King Ammon Rex and his son Josiah, the 15th and 16th kings of Judah

Ptah, Jah, Tao and Buddha

The Number 173 - Open my Eyes

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