Q the Seer and the 22 Ciphers of Creation

Q drop #157

The Number 211 - The Mighty and Fearful Word of God

Q stands for quelle, german for source.

Q is for Quelle



By Leo Tavares

The Jews have an ancient tradition that says Hebrew is ultimately the original language of mankind and that all other languages are essentially permutations of the original Hebrew language. In fact, this ancient tradition states that Hebrew is the very language of God and that the creation of the universe was produced through the permutation of the 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet (see the Sefer Yetzirah, which is a 2,000 year old Jewish text). Interestingly, the predominant secular view actually grants that the 22 Hebrew consonants, in their original form, represent the earliest alphabet (see here: Alphabet). I will present mathematical evidence pointing to the divine origin of the Hebrew alphabet, which validates this ancient tradition (as well as validating Biblical Theism).

The Old Testament was written in the divine Hebrew language while the New Testament was written in Greek. If all languages other than Hebrew are essentially permutated Hebrew, one may ask why God would use a permutated form of Hebrew to reveal the New Testament. I believe there are two reasons for this:

1) God was dealing directly with the Israelites in the Old Testament, which prophesied of a New Covenant that would ultimately include the Gentiles (or non-Jews). The New Testament IS that New Covenant. The best way for the Gospel message to reach the Gentiles would be to reveal it in the language that was most widely used during the time of its revealing. Thus, the New Testament was revealed in Greek, which was the most widely used language in the first century.

2) By revealing the New Covenant in a Gentile language, God is showing that he can ultimately interact with mankind through ANY language.

Ancient Hebrew and Greek are both ALPHANUMERIC LANGUAGES. This means that every letter in their alphabets is also a specific number and every single word in Biblical Hebrew/Greek is also a specific number (through adding up the letter values in a given word). This is not some modern invention. In fact, it is an ancient feature of both Hebrew and Greek (the two Biblical languages).

There are two primary means by which numerical values are assigned to the letters of the Hebrew alphabet: The "STANDARD value" and the "ORDINAL value".

22 Ciphers of Creation


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