The Meaning of the Number 26 and the Secret of the Zodiac Signs

The Hebrew consonants י (Yod), ה (He), ו (Vav) and ה (He) spell YHWH. This special word, used in the manuscripts of the Old Testament, is known as the Tetragrammaton (shown here left to right, as Hebrew is written right to left). The Gematria values of the letters (10, 5, 6, 5), when added together, equal 26 (ibid. figure 20.23). One reason YHWH is important is that it reveals the eternal nature of God's existence. It does so because the letters of the word encapsulate the three tenses of the Hebrew verb "to be." These tenses are "He was," "He is" and "He shall be" (ibid. page 254).

Bemidbar - Secret of the Zodiac Signs

The first two letters of YHVH is Yud י and Hey ה, which in gematria is 15. When 15 is squared, the result is 225, which is the gematria of Mazal Moz’na’im מַזַּל מֹאזְנַיִם, i.e. the sign of the Libra.

The final two letters of YHVH is Vav ו and Hey ה, which in gematria is 11. When 11 is squared, the result is 121, which is the gematria of Mazal Taleh מַזַּל טָלֶה, i.e. the sign of Aries.

The sum of the two signs in gematria is 346, which is exactly the gematria of his name שְּׁמוֹShemo, as follows:

Sign of Libra, Sign of Aries

מַזַּל מֹאזְנַיִם מַזַּל טָלֶה 346 His name

שְּׁמוֹ 346 This is the answer to the first question, what is his name.

What is His Son’s Name

The gematria of “name of his son” שֶּׁם-בְּנוֹ “shem beno” is 398, which is exactly the gematria of “This is Yeshua” זֶה יֵשׁוּעַ, at the simplest level.

At another level, the gematria of the two phrases is 744:

His name

שְּׁמוֹ 346 His son’s name

שֶּׁם-בְּנוֹ 398


744 is exactly the gematria of Mashiach Yeshua, as well as “and the word became flesh”:

The word is Torah, and 744 is the 611th composite number where 611 is the gematria of Torah תּוֹרָה.

The Number 692 - the Hope of Israel

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