Q It's Time

Roman lunar-based calendar

From Bhakti Ananda Goswami:

Some Scholars of Zurvanism and Comparative Religions are well acquainted with the Form of the Supreme God as Leontopcephalos (Lion Headed) Time, surrounded by His Alter-Form or Expansion as the Ouroboros Serpent of Infinity. What they do not realize is that this Form of the Supreme Lord is both the Jews' and Christians' ARI-YAHU or ARI-EL YAHU-TZABAOTH (Lion-Headed Time) 'Lord of Hosts' of the Exodus Story, AND Krishna-Vishnu's Central Bhagavad-gita Theophany as Narasimha KALAH / TIME, surrounded by His Alter-Form, Eternity as An-anta Un-Ending Sesha (Remainer) Naga (Biblical NACHASH)!

To the ancient Africans, He was the Lion Headed AMUN (Zeus-Jupiter Chronos-Saturnus) the Supreme Lord of Egypt, Meroe and Sub Saharan Africa.

To the ancient Persians He was the Supreme Lord Zurvan.

To the ancient pre-Buddhist Tibetans He was the Lion-Headed Protector ZA.

To the ancient Eurpeans He was Zeus Chronos and Jupiter Saturnus etc.

To the Shaivites and Mahayana Buddhists He was/is the Wrathful Time-wheel Devouring Form of Kalah Bairava / Bairab Mahadeva (Shiva)!

Shaivites identify the Central Theophany of KALAH in the Gita with Siva, because KALAH is one of Siva's Names and Forms.

The Island Civilizations of Austro-Indonesia and the Pacific also worship the Lord as Lion-Headed Time. His New Year Lion Dance Blessing Festivals can still be seen there.

In the Western Hemisphere the Lion Headed JAG-WERE GOD of the earliest OLMECS ruled the TIME WHEEL of all of the subsequent Amer-Indian Civilizations!

Among the Names and Forms of Hari (Krishna) or Vasudeva (Vishnu) as the Man-Lion Nara Hari (Nara-Simha) are the Names and Forms of Kalah-Shiva!!! In Gita Jayanti and Buddhist New Year's Festivals throughout the East, the All-devouring Universal Revelation / Theophany of the Supreme Lord as TIME / KALAH (BAIRAVA) is represented in a MAN-LION FORM! Thus Sacred Traditions from around the World, which are thousands of years old, confirm that ancient humanity worshiped the Supreme Lord in His Gita-related Revelation as Lion-Headed Time, with His Alter-Form of the Sarpa / Serpentine Anantadeva as Un-Ending Eternity.

Thus from Africa to Japan and the Isles of Oceana and the Western Hemisphere the ancients worshiped This Form of the Supreme Lord OLU / HERU / HELI / SOLE / ELI / ALI / ARI / ILU / HVARE / ZURVAN / SURA / HARI / HARA / etc. He was the Supreme Protector of Dharma and the Patron Lord of all Dharma Protectors, devoted / consecrated kshatriyas and RAJA / REX / REGENT / RAZAN (Biblical Hebrew, Jewish) DHARMA-RAJAS. Thus His 'Lion Throne' became the symbol of His anointed RAJA, RAYA / ROYAL RULER. Of course false 'dharma kings' and 'incarnations' like Vasudeva Paundraka have proliferated in this Kali Yuga Age of Confusion. However, if we sincerely, without prejudice, study the most ancient Global Sources, we can still see that there was a time or times when a RAJA-RISHI (Sanskrit RISHI = Biblical Hebrew ROEH) saintly ruler or rulers tried to protect and promote the Sattva Dharmic benevolent and civilizing social values described by the Supreme Lord, HARI-VASUDEVA-PARAMATMA in His Bhagavad-gita As It Is. "The King makes the Age" .

+May Lord Nara Hari guide and protect those brave Souls who would dare to be his Dharma Protectors in this dark age of false gods and corrupt self-serving 'leaders' and 'kshatriyas'!+ Amun Amen Amin Aum Shanti Shanti Shanti ...

All Glories to Nrsimhadeva Who rules the Worlds through Endless Time, and Who delivers His Devotees from all fear and from their sins and enslavement to the false gods and kings of this World! Nara Hari ki jaya! HARI-HAR / HERU-HOR / ELI-EL / ARI-EL ki jaya! HAREYAH / ARI-YAHU ki jaya !

Description of the Lion Headed 'Bes' Murti...

This is the Wrathful Leonid-Headed Cosmic Form of HELI / ELI / ALI / HERU / HARI / HARA as KALAH / TIME in His great I AM Theophany in the Bhagavad-Gita. In Egypt He was called HERU-AUSU Amun-Ra and identified with ZEUS CHRONUS (Time) and JUPITER SATURNUS (Time). This is the Murti of Him carved in relief on the top center of the Metternich Stela in this Album.

I have seen Egyptian Icons and Murtis of Zeus-Jupiter- Amun-Ra and Bes with V / U 'Tilak' Marks. The phallus HIEROglyph of MN 'MIN' is clearly the symbol for HARI as MANU the Vedic-Vaishnava Progenitor of the Human Species. This is a Kouros-related Murti, Whose human body identifies Him as a Form of HERU-AUSU (HARI-VASU) Helios (ELI-YAHU) Meghistos Kouros KRISHNA as the Cosmic PUR-USHA / PER-AUSU / POLIEUS. Normally He holds a small peg-like object in one hand that some scholars have identified as a piece of (Holy Vaishnava and Buddhist) SHAL or Acacias wood, a symbol of resurrection and immortality. In His other, outstretched hand should be His WAS / VASUdeva Septre. In Eastern Vaishnava iconography this Septre or symbol held by Lord Baladeva / Vasudeva has been confounded with both His small hoe-like hand-plow and His cow-herding stick.

As the God of ancient WARKA / DWARKA (URUK or ERECH of the Anguiped Erechtids), HE is the NG pictorial-pun ANGA-NAGA God of the serpent-foot, angle / ankle LANGUAGE peoples. His people were NOT any shape-shifting snake-footed reptilian aliens, as imagined and invented by the nonsense New Age 'Illuminate' fear and hate mongerers! As Ananta Sesha Naga the Lord of the Vaishnavas, He was worshiped in the ancient lost Biblical City of IR-NACHASH of the Hebrew speaking Semites, and the NAGA-PUR (original Delhi) of the Eastern Sanskrit speaking Vaishnavas. Clearly the Hebrew city name IR-NACHASH and the Sanskrit city name NAGA-PUR are related. From ancient times Ananta Sesa Naga (Ourobolos the Serpent of Infinity) was considered an alter-Form of Hari (or Hara, Shiva) as Lion-Headed Time KALAH, the Wrathful or creative and destructive Cosmic Form of Lord Krishna in His Bhagavad-gita Self-Revelation. Thus ancient Murtis or so-called 'cult images' of the Supreme Lord in this Form as Time / Kalah are usually depicted with His Naga / Nachash Serpent either connected-to or as part-of His own Body / Form / Rupa.

The Universal Lord as Time often has multiple limbs, including wings, arms and hands which usually hold his septres, weapons and tools that represent His dominions, theological attributes and material powers. He has multiple heads for His many Theophanies and Incarnations of yesterday, today and tomorrow. His TODAY face is semi-Leonid, as Krishna-Vishnu Nara-Hari KALAH / TIME in His Bhagavad-Gita Great I AM Theophany.

The following are some links related to time (God as time in the ancient world):

The Hidden Chamber,

The Afterlife is Not Eternal,

Life-giving like the sun

African Origins of Civilization : African Origins of Religion, Yoga Mysticism and Ethics Philosophy

-Dr. Muata Ashby

God andTime - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy

God as time in the ancient world

The legend of Annu-Nagi Mythology and_Historyof Naga People and last Queen Gaidinliu of Naga People of India

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