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The integration of these elements amongst themselves is impressive enough. But to see them then integrated with the intrinsic alphanumeric structure of Genesis 1 and John 1 feels like the unvieling of a thousand suns! The most obvious integration is found on the level of the simple word count: Genesis 1.1 consists of 7 words and 28 letters. This structure is registered in the Number 28 as the 7th Triangle.
We continue then with the sum of the verse - 2701 - which is the product of the Hexogon / Star pair 37/73, which also simultaneously yields the Ordinal and Standard values of the word Wisdom. Next, we see that the final two words yield the number 703, which is the product of the Hexagon / Star pair 19/37, which also simultaneously yields the the Ordinal and Standard values of the word The Heart.
Yet for all this we have but begun. The geoemtric elements that God designed to unite Genesis 1 and John 1, are themselves deeply integrated with each other. Most notably, the s shown in the figure below:
It is particularly intriguing that the Logos Star is intimately related to the 7th and 22nd Triangular Numbers, in light of the fundamental roles the Numbers 7 and 22 play in the structure of Scripture.
In the Divine Tapestry of John 1.1 the integration of the Logos Star is shown to be integrated with the alternating sums of the letters of the Logos with its numerical equivalent and God was. The miracle of God is that the alternating sums of these letters yields exactly the same mathematical form as is found in the geometric representation of the Logos in the form of the Logos Star. A similiar phenomenon is seen in the text of Genesis 1.1, where alternating sums of the words yield the a geometric representation of the number 2701, the sum of the entire verse. Here is a graphic of what is going on there:
The "tessalated trefoil" representation of Genesis 1:1 is formed from three hexagonal Star numbers corresponding to the index 8, i.e. Star(8) = 337, and ten centered hexagons also corresponding to the index 8, i.e. Hex(8) = 169. Thus, we have a representation of the sum of Genesis 1:1 = 2701 = 3 x 337 + 10 x 169 = 3 x Star(8) + 10 x Hex(8) derived from the sum of odd/even words that fit in a "tessalated trefoil" pattern:
Genesis 1:1 as a Tessalated Trefoil. Click to view Vernon Jenkin's article.
This pattern is discussed in some detail by Vernon Jenkin's article Genesis 1:1 as a Tesselated Trefoil This link takes you off the Bible Wheel site and opens a new window.
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The Hebrew consonants י (Yod), ה (He), ו (Vav) and ה (He) spell YHWH. This special word, used in the manuscripts of the Old Testament, is known as the Tetragrammaton (shown here left to right, as Hebrew is written right to left). The Gematria values of the letters (10, 5, 6, 5), when added together, equal 26 (ibid. figure 20.23). One reason YHWH is important is that it reveals the eternal nature of God's existence. It does so because the letters of the word encapsulate the three tenses of the Hebrew verb "to be." These tenses are "He was," "He is" and "He shall be" (ibid. page 254).
Bemidbar - Secret of the Zodiac Signs
The first two letters of YHVH is Yud י and Hey ה, which in gematria is 15. When 15 is squared, the result is 225, which is the gematria of Mazal Moz’na’im מַזַּל מֹאזְנַיִם, i.e. the sign of the Libra.
The final two letters of YHVH is Vav ו and Hey ה, which in gematria is 11. When 11 is squared, the result is 121, which is the gematria of Mazal Taleh מַזַּל טָלֶה, i.e. the sign of Aries.
The sum of the two signs in gematria is 346, which is exactly the gematria of his name שְּׁמוֹShemo, as follows:
Sign of Libra, Sign of Aries מַזַּל מֹאזְנַיִם מַזַּל טָלֶה 346
His name שְּׁמוֹ 346
This is the answer to the first question, what is his name.
What is His Son’s Name
The gematria of “name of his son” שֶּׁם-בְּנוֹ “shem beno” is 398, which is exactly the gematria of “This is Yeshua” זֶה יֵשׁוּעַ, at the simplest level.
At another level, the gematria of the two phrases is 744:
His name שְּׁמוֹ 346
His son’s name שֶּׁם-בְּנוֹ 398
744 is exactly the gematria of Mashiach Yeshua, as well as “and the word became flesh”:
The word is Torah, and 744 is the 611th composite number where 611 is the gematria of Torah תּוֹרָה.
The Number 692 - the Hope of Israel
Three crosses (10 in Chinese symbolism, or Tav, Taw, or Tau) in binary (2)
or 101010
is equal to 42.
The generations of Abraham to the Christ in the Gospel according to Matthew and the 42 generations of David to the Christ according to Luke. (Lk 3,23-38)
The Gentiles will trample the holy city during 42 months. (Rv 11,2)
The 42 months where it was given to the Beast to act and to blaspheme. (Rv 13,5)
The famine of the time of Elijah lasts 42 months. (Lk 4,25)
The little children mocked of the prophet Elisha. This one curses them and the fierce animals come out of the forest killing 42 of them. (2 K 2,24)
42 men of Beth-azmaveth were counted in the census of men of Israel upon return from exile (Ezra 2:24)
According to the Mesopotamian tradition, the surface of the Tower of Babel occupies 42 agrarian measures.
The Odes of Solomon are 42.
The number 42 OR “Forty and Two” is found 13 times in the Bible. This could be why we have 13 original colonies. And why there are 13 stripes on the US flag. Seven red and six white stripes on the US flag multiplied together equals 42.
On the whole, 42 books of the Bible use the number 7, whose eight in the NT.
The word star is used 42 times in the OT.
Q drop #157
The Number 211 - The Mighty and Fearful Word of God
Q stands for quelle, german for source.
By Leo Tavares
The Jews have an ancient tradition that says Hebrew is ultimately the original language of mankind and that all other languages are essentially permutations of the original Hebrew language. In fact, this ancient tradition states that Hebrew is the very language of God and that the creation of the universe was produced through the permutation of the 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet (see the Sefer Yetzirah, which is a 2,000 year old Jewish text). Interestingly, the predominant secular view actually grants that the 22 Hebrew consonants, in their original form, represent the earliest alphabet (see here: Alphabet). I will present mathematical evidence pointing to the divine origin of the Hebrew alphabet, which validates this ancient tradition (as well as validating Biblical Theism).
The Old Testament was written in the divine Hebrew language while the New Testament was written in Greek. If all languages other than Hebrew are essentially permutated Hebrew, one may ask why God would use a permutated form of Hebrew to reveal the New Testament. I believe there are two reasons for this:
1) God was dealing directly with the Israelites in the Old Testament, which prophesied of a New Covenant that would ultimately include the Gentiles (or non-Jews). The New Testament IS that New Covenant. The best way for the Gospel message to reach the Gentiles would be to reveal it in the language that was most widely used during the time of its revealing. Thus, the New Testament was revealed in Greek, which was the most widely used language in the first century.
2) By revealing the New Covenant in a Gentile language, God is showing that he can ultimately interact with mankind through ANY language.
Ancient Hebrew and Greek are both ALPHANUMERIC LANGUAGES. This means that every letter in their alphabets is also a specific number and every single word in Biblical Hebrew/Greek is also a specific number (through adding up the letter values in a given word). This is not some modern invention. In fact, it is an ancient feature of both Hebrew and Greek (the two Biblical languages).
There are two primary means by which numerical values are assigned to the letters of the Hebrew alphabet: The "STANDARD value" and the "ORDINAL value".
The Number 74 - Lamed, To Learn
Lamed in gematria represents the number 30.
With the letter Vav it refers to the Lamedvavniks, the 36 righteous people who save the world from destruction.
There is a Jewish legend which states that were it not for 36 just men in each generation, the world would cease to exist. These thirty-six righteous (tzaddik) are known collectively as the Lamed-vavnik, after the Hebrew words lamed and vav (thirty and six). The legend is presumed to have been taken from Isa 30:18 which addresses God's justice and grace at the end of days. This verse ends "blessed are all they that wait for him" where the word "him" is lamed vav (לו) which has a gematria value of 36.
The gematria value of משיח (Moshiach) is 358, and beginning from position 358 in pi are the two digits 36.
The preceding four digits are 2590, the gematria value εκατον πεντηκοντατριων ("an hundred and fifty and three"), the number of fish caught in the net (Joh 21:11). The psalmist is also waiting for him, when he meditates: "And now, Lord, what wait I for?" (ועתה מה קויתי אדני) which has a gematria value of 1117 (Psa 39:7). The first occurrence of 1117 in pi begins from position 153.
The first 36 verses in the Bible have a total of 503 Hebrew words.
503 is the 96th prime number
the first occurrence of 96 in pi is preceded by the three digits 555
the word "Christ" appears 555 times in the Bible (KJV)
The phrase אשרי כל חוכי לו ("blessed are all they who wait for him" has a gematria value of 641. The first occurrence of 641 in pi is surrounded on each side by the same two digits 21:
When God said אהיה אשר אהיה ("I AM THAT I AM") in answer to Moses' question (Exo 3:14), the gematria values of these three words are 21 501 21. The middle word אשר (asher) has the same spelling, but a different meaning to the word אשר (esher, meaning "blessed").
King David, King Ammon Rex and his son Josiah, the 15th and 16th kings of Judah