Q the Djedi

Raising Osiris/Djed/Kheper(scarab)

The Cardinal Grand Cross

Starmyth World - Osiris

Pyramid of Man - Djed

The was scepter, the djed and the ankh. The flail, Osiris and the shepard's crook.

Translated Article - Djed pillar, column of Life

4 swastikas united to form the design of a scarab -

The Khéper scarab symbolizes the incarnation of life which is reborn from the depths of the earth, chthonic world, the Becoming of a new Life.

With folded wings, it represents the disciple in gestation in the earthly mud. He is the seed ready to germinate, the life which has not yet been able to flower.

Symbol of resurrection, it evokes the path of the sun which is reborn of itself every day.

"I am Khéper, the disciple, when I open my wings, I will rise again"

-Inscription on an Egyptian temple-

Image of the Flower of Life at Abydos.

Noise vs. Signal

33 steps of freemasonry + 9 parts of the soul = 42

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