Q Live Long and Prosper

A phrase made popular by Leonard Nimoy on the TV series Star Trek was "Live Long and Prosper. It is a phrase with roots in Jewish mysticism.

Notice the series of four pairs of fingers at the top and two thumbs held together bringing to mind 4 and 2 or 42.

These hands, as in the en:Priestly Blessing, are divided into twenty-eight sections, each containing a Hebrew letter. Twenty-eight, in Hebrew numbers, spells the word Koach = strength. At the bottom of the hand, the two letters on each hand combine to form יהוה, the name of God. This is called the Shefa Tal.

Also notice the tie to this prayer, the Ana Bekoach.

This is Metatron's Cube, the doorway between heaven and earth, which, in legend, is marked with 42. This symbol appears above the head of the eagle on the back of the U.S. dollar.

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