Q Nine Parts of the Soul

Spirit of the Lotus 9 Steps to Enlightenment

Egyptians believed in nine parts of the soul.

Khat - The Body

Ba - The Personality

Ren - The True Name

Ka - The Vital Essence

Shuyet - The Shadow

Jb - The Heart

Akh - The Immortal Self

Sahu - The Judge and Spiritual Body

and Sechem - Life Energy.

Ancient Egyptian Soul

The 42 Principles of Ma'at are the Negative Confessions. The Ark (Gathering - Greek AROWN) of the CON (latin for negative) VENANT (french adverb to declare to all).

Source. In terms of psychology, a person who wears Pschent, the double crown of Egypt and is therefore the King of North and South, is also the master of his subconscious and conscious minds. He is the master of the 9 elements of himself. The seven parts (soul) are 1) consciousness (i.e. the brain), 2) memory, 3) creativity, 4) reason, 5) emotion, 6) subconscious (i.e. the gut 93) and 7) all of these six parts together as one 94, which can be thought as one’s Will/Self. The double crown of Egypt means that these seven parts are united with the eternal parts of the Holy Spirit – Knowledge and Life (which altogether are 9 parts). This mental marriage is called the new union between a person and God. It is also the most essential message of the numbers 7 and 2 in Mona Lisa. As soon as a person wears a twin-crown, all 9 parts of him are no longer subconscious, but conscious.95

93 See e.g. Denjean, 2013.

94 The same symbolism is present with the Eye of Horus, because also the Eye is formed of the six parts and the eye as a whole is the seventh one (see Image 70).

95 Also Jewish Menorahs with seven (and nine for Hanukkah) candle holders stand for the seven parts of the human heart and for the mental marriage. When Jesus says that John the Baptist is the lamp, he refers to the Menorah. In hieroglyphs Menorah can be read as aMeN ORah, ‘the hidden light’ (in man). The seven parts of the human heart are equal to the seven chakras.

Image 70. The udjat-eye stands on an elaborate collar which is the hieroglyphic sign for ‘gold’

The Udjat-eye of Image 70 is the key to understanding the ratio 7:9 in the in the measurements of St. John the Baptist (Image 67). Leonardo refers to the Eye of Horus, and its Golden placement, such as in Image 70. In Image 70, the eye of Horus consists of seven parts or shapes (from the eyebrow to the small pupil in the middle of the eye, and the eye as a whole is the seventh part) and the eye stands on nine parts of golden light, which symbolise the heart of a man united with the Holy Spirit (7 + 2 = 9).

If the reader has enough understanding, Image 70 holds inside itself the whole ennead, Ra the Sun and even the Crowns of the North and the South. The hieroglyph of gold, indeed, means the end of the Baptism of Fire, where a person’s soul purifies into pure gold. This is also the exact point 96 in the Way of Truth, where the all-seeing eye (the Eye of Horus, the Right Eye of Horus the Elder) is given to a person.97

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