Q the Chi-Rho Alpha-Omega Symbols

Fig. 31

Figures numbered 31, 'Osiris': these various figures signify also Jupiter-Ammon. The rectangular marks denote the Scandinavian Tuisco, Thoth (Mercurius, or Hermes). Fig. 35 is the Indian form of the same idea.

The figure marked 36 is to be found on the breast of one of the mummies in the museum Fig. 35 of the London University.

Figure 37 is the 'Labarum'. The celebrated sign which is said to have appeared in the sky at noonday to the Emperor Constantine was in this form.

Figure 38 is the monogram of the Saviour. To show the parallel in symbolical forms, we will add some further authorities from the Temple of Solomon at Jerusalem.

Figure 39, No. 1, is an evidently Corinthian foliation. It is from a pillar in the vaults of the Temple of Solomon at Jerusalem. (Probably a Lotus-Acanthus.) No. 2 is evidently the 'Crux Ansata', combining the indications of 'Lotus' and 'Lily'. Here is a union of the classic, the Judaic, and Gothic forms, all presenting the same idea at once. Buddha was the sun in 'Taurus'; Cristna (Crishna, Krishna) was the sun in 'Aries'.


The Rosicrucians Their Rites and Mysteries by Hargrave Jennings [4th ed., 1907] [first published 1870]

Teachings of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky

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