Q the Temple of the Lion at Atlantis

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Above is the image of the three-headed lion god Apademak which represents the past, present and future - infinite time and the present moment.

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Pictured above is Apademak with the Atef crown worn by Osiris partially broken off.

Plato's Atlantis and the Island of Meroe

The Lion Temple

King Natakamani and Candace of Meroe. A “Candace, queen of the Ethiopians” is mentioned in the Bible when the apostle Philip meets “a eunuch of great authority” under her reign and converts him to Christianity (Acts 8:27-39). In this passage, as in other ancient works mentioning the Candace, the royal title has often been confused with a personal name.

Buddhism in Ancient Egypt and Meroe: Beliefs Revealed Through Ancient Script

Click here for Q What Was And Is And Is To Come

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