Q the Scottish Clan Crests and the Belt Buckles

The motto means Learn to Suffer and Endure in Latin. This is a Scottish clan badge. It is shaped like a belt resembling a Q. There are many others, Disce Pati is not the only Scottish badge. This one is for the surname Duncan.

The US Treasury Seal that has the 39 letter phrase (when extended to the full Latin words). The Key is "One Heart, One Way" (explained next). On the dollar, it is just the word "One" in the center.

The Scales are the Zodiac sign Libra, which represents Ma'at on the Egyptian Zodiac and the weighing of the heart in the Hall of Osiris.

The Pyramid represents the 12 hours of Time and Form in the Egyptian "12 hour mystery and the hidden chamber". The current US Treasury seal has replaced the 39 character motto with the 39 stars in the background. Thirty-nine plus the three symbols (pyramid, scales and key) is equal to 42. The word "star" appears 42 times in the Old Testament. The number "Forty and Two" or 42 appears 13 times.

There is a good probability that this is why there were originally 13 colonies and, consequently, 13 stripes on the US flag. Notice that if you took the 7 red stripes and multiplied it by the 6 white ones instead of adding them, you would end up with 7x6=42. The number 42 is found encoded all over the US one (and two) dollar bill.

On the belt, it says "One Heart, One Way". The buckle is at the bottom with the Fleur De Luce (Fleur De Lis) as the end of the belt, symbolic of the lily/lotus flower associated with Osiris. To draw the pentagram (with the picture of the Holy Grail at the top of the belt) requires a five point star with five 72 degree angles. A belt is symbolic of Orion's belt.

Bring me my bow of burning gold;

Bring me my arrow of desire:

Bring me my spear: O clouds unfold!

Bring me my chariot of fire!

I will not cease from Mental Fight

Nor shall my Sword sleep in my hand:

Till we have built Jerusalem

In England's green and pleasant Land.

William Blake

Here are some more common names and their Scottish badge (or crest).

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