Q the Truth Unedited

This series of videos is well done with a lot of important information. I disagree with many of the points about "Lucifer" made in these videos because I believe that many people have been led astray but either misconceptions or purposeful disinformation about the word "Lucifer" and that it denotes evil or satan. The narrator even admits that the all-seeing eye symbolizes god and that it's on the dollar, but I have to ask, why would an evil symbol be placed on the dollar bill? What motivation would there be to do that? When this Youtube creator starts saying everything is satanic, I have to disagree many times. We are being told repeatedly that Freemasonary, the Illuminati and texts the Book of the Dead, for example are evil things. But when you start to look into them and really learn them and understand them, you see that there is a concerted effort to obfuscate and hide things. It's an attempt to dissuade you from those things.

A great example is in the second video with the OK hand gesture. Many people have said it represents 666 and the Youtube creator insists it is satanic. But there is nothing that leads anyone to conclude that, it's just an opinion that there are three sixes formed. It could easily mean something else, like when you look at the Eye of Horus, you may see the Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit). That isn't necessarily satanic.

So watch these videos for the content, but remember that even this narrator with all of this great content is going to try to lead you away from certain things by demonizing them. Whether this has been done historically was simply misinterpretation between languages and texts or an intentional scheme to hide certain spiritual truths is a particularly fascinating question for me.

What I think that is attempted to be hidden is that our current religions all across the world developed and evolved from early mankind in Africa (mainly Kemetic teachings) and that nearly all of them have the same source material, just interpreted in different ways.

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