Q Planet Nine, Nibiru and the Tiamat Planetary Theory

Livescience.com Planet Nine cousin discovered

Zecharia Sitchin, whose books are often referenced on the History Channel show Ancient Aliens, proposed a "Twelfth Planet" (counting the sun, moon and pluto) named Nibiru that passes through our solar system every 3,600 years. He based his work on his own translation of ancient Sumerian tablets. He said a civilization of beings called Annunaki lived on Nibiru. While his work is controversial and disputed by the mainstream scientific community, perhaps some of his theories and concepts are worth some further consideration.

I ran across his books after watching the television show about Ancient Aliens and then this documentary "If We Had no Moon" by Patrick Stewart. When watching it, something just clicked. The ancient Sumerian story seems to be describing exactly the scientific theory proposed in the documentary - that a planet in between Earth and Mars used to exist (referred to as Marduk) in Earth's early history, that collided with Earth and formed Earth's moon in the distant past.

Earth Chronicles volumes

The 12th Planet, 1976, Stein and Day, ISBN 0-8128-1939-X
The Stairway to Heaven, 1980, St. Martin's Press, ISBN 0-312-75505-8
The Wars of Gods and Men, 1985, Avon Books, ISBN 0-380-89585-4
The Lost Realms, 1990, Avon Books, ISBN 0-380-75890-3
When Time Began, 1993, Avon Books, ISBN 0-380-77071-7
The Cosmic Code, 1998, Avon Books, ISBN 0-380-80157-4
The End of Days: Armageddon and Prophecies of the Return, 2007, William Morrow, ISBN 978-0-06-123823-9
Companion volumes

Genesis Revisited: Is Modern Science Catching Up With Ancient Knowledge?, 1990, Avon Books, ISBN 0-380-76159-9
Divine Encounters: A Guide to Visions, Angels and Other Emissaries, 1995, Avon Books, ISBN 0-380-78076-3
The Earth Chronicles Handbook, 2009, Bear and Company, ISBN 978-1-59143-101-5
There Were Giants Upon the Earth: Gods, Demigods, and Human Ancestry: The Evidence of Alien DNA, 2010, Bear and Company, ISBN 978-1-59143-121-3
Earth Chronicles expeditions

The Earth Chronicles Expeditions, 2004, Bear and Company, ISBN 978-1-59143-076-6
Journeys to the Mythical Past, 2007, Bear and Company, ISBN 978-1-59143-080-3

The Lost Book of Enki: Memoirs and Prophecies of an Extraterrestrial god, 2001, Bear and Company, ISBN 1-879181-83-5
The King Who Refused to Die: The Anunnaki and The Search for Immortality, 2013, Bear and Company, ISBN 978-1-59143-177-0

Some other theoretic orbits of Planet Nine (also referred to as Planet X, Nibiru and the 12th Planet) are shown below.

For the next video, consider:

Tiamat = old Earth prior to a planetary collusion that formed the moon

Marduk = an alleged moon of Nibiru that struck old Earth that is now part of Earth's moon and the asteroid belt between Earth and Mars

From the description of the next Youtube video: The Enuma Elish (Enûma Eliš) is the Babylonian creation myth that describes the great hero Marduks battle with the great primordial dragon Tiamat and her armies of gods and monsters. Marduk defeats Tiamat, mutilates her body and uses it to form the covering of the sky and the Earth.

Notice how this seems to describe the events described in "If There Was No Moon" linked earlier.

The Tiamat Planetary Theory

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